8th. Who is that?

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It was now morning, you checked your clock and it 7:30 AM in the morning.

your POV:

I quickly wake up from my dream, and i think it wasn't any dream, it was more of a nightmare. i really don't know what just happened, i was scared and surprised at the same time...

but, before i woke up, that mysterious being showed me something else...

I saw a battlefield, it was some sort of war, but it wasn't some of ordinary war like world war 1 or world war 2...

most of the dead bodies where made up of human body but there are some shattered gems or just gems lying around...

I saw a person was charging to someone with a horse, but luckily that person stop the horse from charging into him....

but that doesn't mean that he actually stopped the person riding the horse...

the person jump from his horse and roll over straight to that person and...

Quickly stand to the person who stoped the horse and thrust his sword to him...

I was surprised, and after that happened, i quickly wake up from my dream

pov end*

You slowly get up from your bed and yawn a little...

You now leave your bed and do a little stretch up routine. after you're done with your little excersize. you now wear your two slipper and heading to the kitchen to make breakfast...

{Sup guys, what do you think of my first story?

Please comment on what do you think on my story?}

-The Author

lost memories (blue diamond x human reader)🖤💙Where stories live. Discover now