9th. together breakfast...

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You now arrived at the kitchen and was planning to make breakfast for the three of you...

While you were making pancake and eggs. blue diamond and blue pearl is now done resting, and since they really don't need it, let's just they are now awake...

bd: well that was kinda relaxing. pearl, do you know where the (y/n) is?

bp: i honestly don't know my diamond, but i think we should look for him/her

bp: good idea pearl, come now. who knows what is the human doing right now....

you're pov:

Man i am really hungry right now. who knew having a long dream can also consume a lot of time. i think i should do a classic pancake and eggs breakfast. you know what they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

pov end*

you where kinda laughing a little for making a joke for yourself then the two came:

bd: what's so funny?

you: oh.haha, it's nothing

bd: hmm, so what do you humans actually do to the planet that pink created?

you on the other hand, had some horrible flashbacks...

you know. wars, climate change, crimes, corruption, etc...

you: oh nothing, just you know having fun with each other and stuff...

blue: hmm interesting, by the way what are you doing?

you: making breakfast.

bd: a what?

alright time skip on you teaching blue diamond at making breakfast*

you: alright guys, dig in!!

bd: we appreciate at your effort at this, (y/n). but we really don't need to eat foods, we're really sorry (y/n)😅😅

quickly stopped eating when i hear those words and said:

you: what? what do you mean my diamond?

blue and pearl look at each other and blue diamond nodded. It was like they were going to say something to me.

Pearl look at me face to face and said:

pearl: We really don't need to eat foods unlike you  humans. We get all of the energy and nutrients we need from our gem.

pearl: And our body isn't real at all. It is just like a hologram with mass. That is why we have the ability to shapeshift or to change forms

After Pearl's explanation about their body. you were a little bummed out when you found out about that. you soon said something to them:

you: It's ok. If you don't really want to eat then so be it. I understand.

Then you continued finishing my food. Didn't realizing that you made a tiny frowny face☹️☹️

blue's pov:

After Pearl's explanation, I see the human's face is not smiling. I thought to myself "I think we hurt this little being's feeling". I quickly asked my pearl if she notices it too.

I felt really bad for myself, i hurt this human's feeling and I want to make it up for him. So i decided to taste what the human can offer to us, i mean we gems can eat foods we just really don't need them and besides what's the worst thing that can happen?

lost memories (blue diamond x human reader)🖤💙Where stories live. Discover now