Chapter 2

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" When I came home
Didn't want to socialize
I had things that I could not vocalize
Here's my two cents don't go baby
Cause if you leave I'll go crazy "


"Hey guys, guess what happened at work today?" Kie said while approaching the hammocks. The Boys had been waiting for her as they were about to go down to the Boneyard and get the kegger started

"Pray tell," Pope replied in a wierd, posh accent, causing JJ to look at him with a side glance.

"Well...You know how I was talking about my dad hiring a new girl-"

"you were?" JJ cut in, earning a death glare form Kie

"Anyway, I saw her earlier and she just looks so familiar  but I can't place it. I invited her to tonight, by the way." Kie explained.

"Hmmm, maybe she's a Touron here from last year." John B hopped out of his hammock and made the group pile into the van, to drive the short distance to the Boneyard to set up. JJ looked left like he did every time they left John B's, hoping that there was sign of life in the house next door, a sign that maybe she had come back. He thought he saw a light on, but he ruled it off as wishful thinking and leant back trying to relax.

Someone had connected their phone to a speaker and shitty music was fueling the drunk teens dotted across the beach. Kiara was talking to some girl animatedly, must be the new girl she was raving about. JJ grabbed a bear and when he turned around, Kie was dragging the girl over so JJ turned to John B to pretend he wasn't watching them.

"John B, JJ, this is Ezra," their eyes widened, it couldn't be-

"Hi, JJ." A voice rasped.

JJ audibly gasped, but quickly composed himself as Kie stuttered,

"How- b-b-but I just introduced you guys?" It came out as a question. John B nodded at Ezra, with a look that said 'we'll talk later'. He was confused, but he didn't dare show it, and give JJ a reason to spiral. He pulled Kie away to give the two space, and to put together the pieces for Kie.

JJ looked at her face, he tried to search for the girl who left him without a word. Her hair had gotten darker and her collar bones were poking out of her skin. She's grown practically everywhere, she'd become more womanly, opposed to the girlish charm she once had. Ezra's eyes were the same, though, they were the same electrifying blue, that held the sea right before a storm, full of thunderclouds and murky water. She was back, but JJ was just getting ready to let go, to stop hoping she'd appear in her house, to finally stop writing unsent messages begging her to return.

"JJ..." She whispered softly.

He shook his head, not knowing whether it was in disbelief or rejection.

"JJ." She spoke more firmly this time.


"Listen to me"

"No. " He didn't need anything from her, he didn't need her  anymore.

"JJ I need  to talk to you."

"Stop. Talking." He was almost yelling, and he caught the attention of a few people that had strayed away from the belly of the party. He was oblivious to it though, a million thoughts running through his head. JJ did not want anything from her, except for a reason. He needed to know what he did that was so bad that she lost a bond he thought would last for a lifetime, someone who he thought would love him unconditionally until they died.

He just needed to know, and then he would never speak another word to her.

"JJ please. Please just speak to me. Please" That last please came out as a whisper, Ezra's voive trembling. It made JJ look up and crumble at the tears dancing around her eyes.

"Fine. Lets talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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