Chapter 12

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Bambina Point of View

Utterly Disappointed!

This is beneath the beneath of my expectations. Goodness! They have no minimum basics.

I looked at them with a frown as the young men continued to stand back into the wall like cowards the whole square.

"Jack, Theo, come on, you can do it." I encouraged them with my whole heart as I root them for their success.

It has been two hours already and they are on their one hundred and thirteenth attempt to overcome their first obstacle.

I thought they are awesomely brave but seeing them insignificantly coward, the determination in me to make them the best of the best in their careers hardened.

"Bambi, they will die if they do that. Why are killing them? It's not possible for them to brave out of it alive. It's impossible." Piper advocated them but her reasons are not reasonable at all.

I looked at Piper with a deep scowl as I scanned the arena again. Jack and Theo are curled against the wall as if they are haunted by good spirits while Piper is standing before them like a shield. Alcohol is right beside me leaning on the railing as he took slow sip of his drink.

He has the ever confident look in his eyes which made me even more confident.

His confidence in me is unparallel. The moment he said he believes in me blindly made my determination much stronger.

"Miss Black, you can't be serious. There is no buts and ifs here. We will surely die and you will not be able to find our bodies too if we do it." Jack said in a sing song manner and Theo nodded his head furiously.

"Why should we do this anyway? We can be courageous and gather immense bravery by doing other small events too." Theo continued making me want to curse them both.

Who is the teacher here?

Who is the trainer here?

Me! It is I who is training them, guiding them in the right path, teaching them about many things, giving the life they always wished for.

I am the light of their blind eyes.

I am the nose to their voldermort face.

I am their ear hair and I am their blood vessels.

I know better than they do and as students, they should know better than to question my academic schedule for them.

"You are my students so you don't know the deep meaning and great intensions behind my actions and orders. All you have to do is trust me blindly and just do what I say. I will promise you both on the coming of age balding of Oldie that by the end of my schedule, you will be the finest Mafia men world has ever seen. You will bring a new life to the outdated Mafia profession." I don't know what is so hard to do it.

I already showed them how to do myself and still they are not coming out of their shell. I want to get this done early so that I can rise early tomorrow morning to make chilli pizza for Sergio and team.

"Please, Miss Black. Please show mercy on us. We will do anything but this. Think again Miss Black, how can we survive we bungee jump from the mountain without safety belts? Without safety gear, we will die even before our bodies reach the ground." I shook my head as Jack and Theo said unison like telepathic twins.

I at least expected my best friend, Piper to support me but she just nodded to what they said.

What is so difficult in jumping down the mountain? Didn't I already say that I will lend some of my luck to them?

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