Chapter 26

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Faustino Point of View

At the age where Padre should be crying with happiness over marrying me off for good, he is crying over an unexpected marriage of his own.

The only difference is happiness. If a glare can drill holes into someone, if a single exhale of air from his nose is enough to blow away to miles, then that is exactly what padre is doing.

To be very honest, even I was shell shocked by the sudden wedding, not to forget, the bride is our rival's aunt. More than that, I'm actually surprised by familiarity between Alessia and Padre. They seem to be good acquaintances.

However, what is more important as of now is saving little Fae from Padre's fury. If the current scene is from an anime, then the camera shots will be focusing on the deadly glare padre is giving to Fae and an innocent smile with a wink Fae is giving to Padre.

It is a fight between good and bad.

This is a situation of the century.

I almost, almost covered Fae from Padre but then again, thinking about what a harmless activated nuclear bomb my Fae is, does she even need my protection?

"I woke up this morning with a happy thought of attending the opening ceremony of my dear Sergio's new gang but who might've thought that I would get married to you?" Alessia spoke with a mocking scoff.

Why do I feel such chilling coldness from her?

Aren't padre and Alessia on good terms with each other, seeing how they greeted a while ago?

"Who would've thought that I would marry my archenemy one day? That too, that day would when I'm old and well settled." Padre countered back with taunting smile. He wiggled his eyebrows at Alessia just like how children do when they are mischievous.

"Right, it has been nearly three decades and you are still a stuck up bastard with ego more than your size. How do you manage to carry such heavy ego with such a frail body?" Ouch! I hate how she spoke to my padre but damn she is a savage.

"Just like how you carry your heavy makeup. When did you last dig back your face from those colorful cements in these past thirty years?" Padre's immediate taunt nearly caused me breathlessly stopping myself from laughing out.

Sergio pressed his lips really hard and boy he did a pretty good job in controlling his laugh but Ivan and Liam are completely a different issue because they busted out laughing like one of those evil spirits from horror movies.

Beside everyone, the best reaction was given by my Fae who awed at them with googly eyes.

"Aren't they so much in love with each other?" She gasped out in awe looking between the newlywed old couple.

"Love?" Everyone yelled in unison making Fae to nod her head in positive.

Little Fae, where is love between them? They are trying so hard to keep themselves from killing each other.

Even love has a different definition when it reaches my Fae's dictionary.

"Little Fae, how did you know Alessia and why did you marry her off with your Oldie?" I asked, curious to know when in the freaking hell did she come to know of Sergio's aunt.

"I saw their pictures together in Sergio's secret office room." Say what?

They had pictures together?

Padre said my mom was his first and only love of his life?

I gritted my teeth and turned my glare towards him closing my hands in tight fists. He cheated his feeling for my mother?

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