Chapter 19

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Faustino Point of View

Fire, now, doesn't hurt me because it has become my own element.

The rage of fire I have been experiencing from a couple of days is unexplainable.

He is my own father. He gave birth to me and I'm one of his own seeds. How can he say to a girl I love that I have no seeds?

How can he stoop so low to stop me from getting together with my little Fae?

Good thing, Little Fae doesn't know what seeds mean; otherwise I would've stayed unmarried forever.

"Umm, this is so yummy." Little Fae hummed as she had another spoonful of special pasta that my cook always prepares for me.

Papa was silent the whole time we are having dinner but the skeptical looks he is giving little Fae are enough to tell me that he is somehow being interested about her final decision about me.

"I asked them to make an almond and pistachio pie for you." I said. I took her smile as an encouragement and touched her lips with my fingers as I wiped away the little sauce she has at the corner of her lips.

She has such soft, pinkish and fluffy lips!

Can she be anymore awesome?

"By the way, how is Oldie treating you? If he is not treating his employee with love, hugs and kisses, then I should demote him as a second in command and make you or Ferb as the leader." She stated as she turned to Padre and looked at him suspiciously to see if I'm really treated well or is this all an act.

And that is why I love her!

She is just the right amount of crazy and sane!

"I have him in my heart, girl. You don't have to worry about him. Why don't you worry about yourself and find a husband for yourself? Aren't you going to look for a man to date?" Padre gritted but still kept his tone low seeing my glare towards him.

He better behave before her!

After the wrong information about my seeds the other day, I've been on the edge whenever I'm with her. I don't know why Padre had to open his mouth and spew nonsense with her.

"I thought for a long time, for about thirty minutes, and I decided that I will date Alcohol." She declared giving me the opportunity to dance like crazy in my mind.

I just want to shoot up from my chair and do a tribal dance with guns and knives adorned around my neck as accessories.

She decided to date me?

Why and how in the heaven?

"No, never!" Padre stood up like a defaulted rocket and looked dead into her eyes. "He is not an enough man for you, girl. Why do you want to date a man with no seeds?" He asked in an exasperated loud tone making me grit at him.

Why can't he see what a priceless diamond my Fae is?

Why can't he accept her?

"I am like a wave in the ocean, Oldie. When I touch the shore, I take the sand and other things lingering there with me. Just like that, if lacking whatever seeds you are talking about is something bad, then I will take all of it and wash away the bad from his shore with my waves. If he can't be with anyone, then it means he can be with only me because Piper always said I'm not just everyone." Woah!

What a dialogue!

What an explanation!

What a reasoning!

What a golden heart!

What a great thinking!

Putting her witty explanation and thinking apart, the way she thought of me and wanted to accept me the way I am no matter in what state I am in, it really touched me.

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