Six - Managerial Application

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Megumi was seriously amazed at what she just saw. That was an impressive block by Suna. The twins looked annoyed by that play and she caught Suna look her way, smirking.

What was that?

"Our team is good. Better than my previous school's team, I think." Kayo was saying. She was also observing the practice now.

"So Atsumu is the setter, Osamu is an opposite hitter, that white-hair guy and that foreign-looking guy are outside hitters, that scary-looking guy and Suna are middle blockers, and that short guy is the libero. What position does Kita-senpai play, Megumi?"

She knew her friend is a fan of sports, especially basketball. Heck, she even brings her to basketball games before just so she can cheer for her crush. But her knowledge in volleyball caught her by surprise this time.

"Wow, you sure know your volleyball. I'm not actually very familiar with the terms you said just now."

"I see. I only know general terms. The setter is the one who tosses the ball to the spikers. It is usually given to the one with the best game sense and ball control to shake away blockers, as well as facilitate offense of the team. The opposite hitter is the wing spiker diagonal to the setter. He is usually positioned on the right side of the court, and must be stable in both offense and defense. The outside hitters are the wing spikers to the left and center. The ace usually fields this place since they are the main artillery. The middle blockers are the annoying bunch that well, blocks the spikes. They are also go-to guys when it comes to a quick attacks because of their positions. The libero frequently switches place with the MBs, he's a guy that specializes on receives to keep the ball in play."

Megumi was speechless.

"Sorry, if you find me a nerd."

"No. Actually, you sounded so cool just now. I think you'll make a good manager."

"You think so? I was actually thinking of joining the volleyball club as manager."

"You should!"

"B-but, it was you whom they invited."

"Nonsense, I have no iota of volleyball. Where did you learn this stuff, Kayo?"

"Well, my cousin plays on a team and I watch his matches sometimes."

"You should go for it."

"Really, do you really think so, Megumi?"

"If they don't approve of you, I'll cut their budget."

"So harsh". They were laughing like that. Kayo was writing something in her notebook from her observations. Megumi was really encouraging Kayo to join and she finally gave in. When the practice was over, Megumi accompanied Kayo to approach the team's coach.

"Hey, Madam President, what are you guys on to?" Megumi felt someone from her back and was shocked to see Suna there.

"Stop calling me that! The name's Megumi! And besides," she turned away from Suna and looked at her friend who was currently talking to the team's coach, "looks like you're getting a manager."

"Really? Kamiya-chan, you're joining?" Atsumu inserted himself between Suna and Megumi.

"No, idiot. Kayo's joining."

"And here I thought you finally laid your eyes on me." He got a jab from Megumi for that remark.

"That's nice, finally we get a manager, 'Tsumu." Osamu joined the conversation.

"Can she really do it though? Does she know anything about volleyball?" Suna asked.

"Of course, she knows what she's doing!" This Suna guy really pisses her off.

"Whoa, calm down. I didn't mean to antagonize."


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