Twenty Two - Questions

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Saito slowly opened his eyes upon realizing that his mask was taken off his face. This is the end, he thought. Megumi will never be mine.

Few meters from him, the trembling figure of Megumi stiffened, her eyes, full of disbelief from what she's seeing. No this can't be. It has to be a mistake.

She have known him since they volunteered for the council activities during their first year. He has always been kind to her, and supported her all the way when she decided that she'll run for the presidential seat in the council. Slowly, and painfully, she went to his direction and looked him straight in the eyes. "Sa-Saito?"

The guy averted his gaze to the side. He can't bear to look at her face - full of questions and utter disbelief on how he could possibly betray her trust just like that.

"Hey, bastard." Suna kicked him. He felt the painful blow to his guts again.

"No- Su - Rintaro.... s-stop... please... " Megumi pleaded.

He felt her hand reach out to his bloodied face to level his eyes at her. He continued looking away. "Is it – is it really you?" When he did not respond, tears streamed down her face as her voice broke and asked again, "Why?"

He was at loss for words. With that look on her beautiful face, he can't formulate an answer. That girl, who warped his thoughts since the day he met her, who filled his mind with lustful fantasies of her. He loved her. To the point of obsession. But she never gave him a chance. She never looked at him as someone more than a friend. She's oblivious. And it frustrated him, despite how hard he tried to get closer to her. She only sees him as a comrade in the council. Lately, he found out that she's going out with this tall volleyball player who looks like someone who is good-for-nothing, and he hated to see them together – holding hands in public, he even saw him kiss her once. It drove him to the point of mad jealousy and peak fury. If he can't have her, then no one must!

"Why?" She's still sobbing and some of her tears even dropped to his cheeks. How could he make this beautiful face of hers cry like this? He asked himself. He felt so ashamed and remorseful.

"Megumi, get away from him now." Suna's stern voice sounded darkly as he pulled her away from him. He briefly shot a look at her figure and thought that her face displayed no anger nor fear towards him. It still showed a worried, confused and hurt expression.

It might be too late to regret my actions. How foolish of me.

"The police are on their way, will you guys be fine? I still have a train to catch." Another guy stepped forward and asked Suna and Megumi. "Let me tie him up to the post and wait for the authorities to arrive. I'll leave right away."

"Ojii-san, arigatou. But, th-there's no need to tie him up." Megumi spoke softly and the man eyed him curiously.

"I refuse." Suna protested.

She added, "He won't try to run away."

A staring contest happened between the two, to which Suna just sighed heavily and muttered, "Fine, but I'll keep an eye on him."

The man left after that exchange and they thanked him again for his assistance. Soon, the police arrived and Suna harshly brought the man into the vehicle. "Take him away." He said.

"We need you children to come with us too." The officer informed them.

"Can't you see the girl is distressed?" Suna angrily retorted back.

"I'm sorry, but it's SOP. Don't worry, we only need to document what happened."

**In Japan, the age for criminal liability starts at 15, and standard operating procedures are followed regarding the criminal procedures of his detention, trial and bail, if possible**

His Blocked Feelings (Suna Rintaro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now