Sixteen - Try Harder

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The next four days seemed to follow a pattern as per Megumi's observation. On Monday, she was again surprised to see Suna standing outside their apartment gate when she was on her way to school. When she asked, he just said, "I'm your boyfriend, remember? I told you, just get used to this." And so for the following days the same thing happened: Suna walks with her to school, classes, club hours and prep for the PE fest, and walk towards home with Kayo and Suna. Adding the fact that her stalker was not active in sending her creepy notes, she felt strange about this new norm. She mentioned this to Suna on their way to school today.

"Isn't that a good thing? Don't tell me you miss those notes?" She karate-chopped him for that.

"It's like, I don't know.... strange.... like a calm before the storm."

"Don't sweat the small stuff." Suna paused for a while before he added, "Don't worry."

As they reached the school, Megumi's spirits were lifted. She could feel it - the festive vibe. It's a product of their hardwork from the council after all. Today is Day 1 of the PE Festival.

"See ya later at the games, hunchboy."

"Yeah, right, shorty."

Honestly, they don't really act like a couple at all. Because you are not, clown. Yes, they do walk together, but they always kept their distance. No holding hands, no close physical contact, nothing. And if they talk, it's not always pleasant. But not sweet either. More like, they just started their friendship, while also teasing, annoying, and getting into each other's nerves. And it's weird because, they should act like a couple, right? Or else their plans will just be spoiled. Kayo tries to fix this but she's not effective in helping as well.

"Both of you are Tsunderes! At least try harder!" She scolded them yesterday.


Almost all clubs in the school participated in the PE fest. All sports club did, and other clubs as well were there for the coveted price. The student council took this into consideration and devised a systematic way of grouping these clubs into four teams together in equal strengths. The black team, with their black bandanna, was composed clubs from volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, drama, literature and other students who had no respective clubs which share the same PE class (they were grouped as well, called PE group). Megumi was secretly rooting for this bunch.

A series of games were conducted to determine which two teams will be ranked the highest and can proceed to the semi-finals and finals for tomorrow. The scores were tallied and by the end of the day, the team who topped the rankings was the red team, composed of clubs from the football, track, dance, cooking, music and another PE group. Black team came in second, followed by the yellow and blue teams, respectively. The bottom 2 teams were eliminated from the festival.

"Congratulations, team! Day 1 is a success!" Megumi said as she presided the council meeting after the events of Day 1. "Let's go home now and be ready for tomorrow!"


Megumi is waiting for Kayo. She is happily watching an anime on her phone while happily singing to its opening song, which was unique because it was in English. And she loves it.

Can you hear, my heart beat?

Tired of feeling never enough

I close my eyes, tell myself

That my dreams will come true

Her reverie with the OP was suddenly interrupted by someone who yanked her phone away from her hand. It was Suna the lazy fox. She watched him earlier and never really saw him do a lot of work during the games. From the volleyball club, it's mostly the twins who were so hyped while the rest just provided enough support. Whatever.

His Blocked Feelings (Suna Rintaro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now