Seventeen - Day 2

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Megumi woke up rather early today. Her mom isn't home yet so made her way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Her trash bin is full so she decided to bring the bag outside for disposal. On her way out, she noticed that an envelope was inserted in their doorstep. Curious, she picked up the envelope and put it on the table, deciding she'll read it later. When she came back, she scuffled through her morning routine, took a bath and put on her PE uniform. And as she was about to head out, she caught a glimpse of the envelope and decided to read it now since it's still too early.

"ARE YOU DATING WITH THAT TALL GUY WHO WALKED WITH YOU YESTERDAY? YOU CHEATING BITCH?! SEE WHAT HAPPENS LATER THEN." That's all it said. She should've known it was from her stalker. Megumi felt uneasy after that.

She stood up and paced back and forth in their living room. Shit. The plan seems to be working, yes. But only now did she realize how crazy it is indeed. She agreed to it for her safety. But did she ever consider the safety of those who are involved in the plan as well? How irresponsible of me. The letter clearly carries a threat. What if something happens to Suna?

Rintaro. She suddenly remembered. She needs to get used to calling him that. Perhaps it was because of what happened last night that she wasn't able to sleep well and end up rising early today. What if something bad will happen to him today? She was lost in her thought and didn't notice the time that passed by until she heard her phone 'ping'. It was a text from Suna. Kayo made sure they had each other's contact details.

"We're gonna be late if you won't come out now."

She inhaled and stood up from where she was. It's gonna be alright. Don't worry. Things will be fine today. What to do? Should I tell him?


Suna's POV

He took her hand when she finally arrived at the gate on their way to school together. After all, they agreed to try harder on this 'relationship'. He noticed that she looked uneasy so he asked,

"What's the matter, shorty?"

The president stiffened and clutched his hand harder at the same time. She pulled out something from her pocket and gave it to him. A letter. He read it and his face turned sour.

"Don't worry about this. S'nothing. Just an empty threat." When her expression did not change, he added, "I'll protect you."

"But I'm not just worried for myself, you know. How about you?"

Honestly, she's just too much of a goody-two-shoes. One moment, she's all feral and now she's concerned. When he slept last night, his thoughts were all cloudy but it's just all her. He thought that maybe he's losing it. I really can't get girls.

"I'm a guy, I can take care of it. Look after yourself and be careful."

"But he might be following us right now, who knows? Maybe we'll get mugged on our way to school or something! Who knows what can happen!"

Her sudden outburst made a few people look their way. She also let go from his hold.

Suna, as calmly as possible, took her hand again and brought her closer to him. "Look, don't think about those pessimistic things. Don't let your worry get the better of you. We had an agreement that you will be honest with me and in return I will protect you. I intend to keep that promise, Megumi. So please, stop worrying." Hearing no reply, he added, "You know, I'll be there for you."


That made him let out a faint smile. "Come on now, Madam Pres, let's go."


His Blocked Feelings (Suna Rintaro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now