Eighteen - Bo-Taoshi

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"Bet you're probably thinking, 'wow, Suna's got a girlfriend, he's probably fired up s'oz of that', or something along those things. You're wrong though, that's got nothing to do with winning a game. They're like parallel lines which never connect."

Once again, Kita's cold logic settled the gossip session of the team. "We've made it all the way here, why don't we just win the entire thing?" And with that, everyone's focus went back to this afternoon's finals.


Megumi and Kayo went out for lunch together in a nearby convenience store. Kayo kept giving a 'look' towards her, obviously asking her to spill the beans and the juicy deets. Instead of giving her what she wants, Megumi tried to sway the topic. "So, how were the flowers?"

"Oh – them, lovely. Never thought I'll enjoy them."

"How's Kyoto?"

"Oh come on, Meg! Kyoto's just an hour or two away from Hyogo. Why are you asking me this? I should be the one who's doing the 'asking' you know."

Crap, this is it, the inevitable has come.

"Kayo, you know it's just an act, right?"

"Actually, I wonder about that. I've been thinking about it since the start, how he came up with this plan, among others, and I think maybe Suna likes you a little or something."

"Pffffft!! *coughs*" Megumi choked on her onigiri and Kayo handed her water. After swallowing her food, she blurted, "No way, that jerk likes me, and I don't like him either!"

"Eh? He may be unmotivated and lazy af, but I think he could be nice if he tries. Anyway, he told the twins you're dating, and those idiots aren't the kind of idiots who can keep their mouth shut. The whole team probably knows about your so-called 'relationship' right now. Sorry, my friend, but you really got to try even harder from this point forward."

Megumi just facepalmed because Kayo is right. "What should I do?"

"Well, you can start by giving him Chuupeets later after the game."

"Really? That?"

"You haven't made your end of the bargain yet. That's his first request, hello?"

Oh yeah right, the 'three wishes'. One of those is to bring him his favourite snacks sometimes.


Both clubs have 16 playing members. The poles were set, the bandannas were tied, the helmets were worn, and emergency medics were on standby. Everyone was eager to watch the game that will determine which club is the strongest for this year's PE fest. This sport is exhilarating, after all. Excitement was prickling in the air.

The members positioned themselves around the pole they are supposed to defend. At the top of each pole, one member from each club was positioned. This one is supposed to stay and protect his place at the top of the pole no matter what, never allowing an opponent to overtake his place. However, anyone from his teammates may switch places with him when he's in a pinch. Surrounding him are his teammates who have two very important tasks – to protect the pole and keep it from toppling, and to overtake the opponents pole. The game will end only if one team successfully overtakes the other team's pole.

For the volleyball club, Akagi Michinari was the one whose role is to stay at the top of the pole. They divided the rest of the members into the attacking and the defensive units. 10 of them are supposed to support the pole, while the rest are to attack the opponent's pole. The game began at the sound of the whistle.


Seems that both teams employed the same strategy. The attackers for each team were eyeing each other daggers as they calculate their next move. Finally, action started when someone from the basketball team sprinted rather foolishly towards the volleyball team's pole. The rest charged right after.

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