Snip it, Snip it Good

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Kali glanced from her left to her right. She was standing between Shane and Tori inside Ninja Ops while Cam set a simulation up for them. This would be her first lesson in Ninja training since coming to Blue Bay Harbour, and while she was intrigued, she was also slightly nervous. Her new friends had years on her in terms of training.

"Remember, a Ninja's greatest enemy is himself," Sensei said, just before four replicas of themselves appeared before the Rangers. "You may begin."

Kali groaned inwardly. "I wasn't fussed the last time I faced myself," she grumbled, thinking back to her battle with Hekatoid's clones.

"No, wait, I got it," said Dustin. "Ninja stare contest, right?"

His clone merely grinned.

"Uh, maybe we're supposed to fight?" Shane suggested.

Kali glanced at Tori. "I don't know about you, but I don't want to find out how strong I am," she said.

Tori chewed her lower lip. "Honestly? I don't think that's what Sensei meant," she said. "This is a test, yes, but I don't think it's a test of strength."

"Well, you don't need to be a Ninja to be an enemy to yourself," said Kali, shrugging. "I mean, doesn't the saying go that you're your own worst enemy?"

Tori nodded.

"Could that be it?"

Looking back at her clone, Tori cocked her head to the side. "Fighting ourselves is not the answer, right?" she asked.

Tori's clone winked and disappeared.

Kali scoffed a laugh and looked back her own hologram. It grinned and disappeared, too.

As two of the four clones disappeared, Dustin and Shane had already started to fight amongst themselves. For a while, it seemed they had the upper hand, but things quickly turned south and the simulation ended with the clones gaining the upper hand on their living counterparts.

"Why is it so hard for guys to follow directions?" Tori asked as Kali laughed.

"Tougher than I thought I was," Shane grumbled, rubbing his shoulder.

"Can't believe I kicked my own butt," Dustin agreed, clutching his side.

Kali rolled her eyes. "Pretty sure you missed the point of the exercise," she said, helping them both back to their feet.

"Congratulations, girls'," said Sensei, hopping up onto the library barrier.

Shane and Dustin scoffed.

"What?" Shane asked.

"But they didn't do anything," said Dustin.

"Precisely," Sensei said. "He who battles himself can never emerge victoriously."

"Ninja Basics 101," Cam pointed out.

"Oh, Yeah, right, I must've been sick that day," said Dustin.

Kali rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes, caution is what wins the day," Sensei explained. "This is why it will be Kali and Tori who seek the Jade Turtle."

"Do I have to?" Kali asked. "No offence, Tor, but the last time I went on a 'quest', it didn't end well."

"You'll be fine," Cam said, reassuringly. Kali had already told him about the Fireheart's quest, so he could understand her hesitancy.

Kali shrugged. "If you say so," she muttered.

"So, why do we need this turtle thing anyway?" Dustin asked.

"Well, when we revived the Zords, several key power spheres were kept hidden," Cam explained, holding a small scroll between his fingers.

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