Return of Thunder, Part I

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"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Kali looked around as Nick wandered into Root Core alongside Udonna and Leanbow. He was carrying a small satchel, which he deposited on the table beside Claire, and hurried over to his girlfriend.

"Everything alright?" Nick asked, holding her at arm's length and checking her over.

Despite rolling her eyes, Kali couldn't help but smile. Even though their relationship was in the early stages, Nick still treated her like a best friend than a girlfriend. He always greeted her with her a hug, rather than a kiss, but she wasn't complaining. She didn't want to rush this relationship because if anything went wrong she knew she'd lose more than a boyfriend.

"Yeah, I'm good," Kali replied. "I just need someone," she glanced across the table at Eithne, "to give me a clean bill of health, so that Sensei will let me leave Ninja Ops."

Nick cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, ever since the incident with the Gem of Souls, Sensei only lets me out for Ranger battles," Kali explained. "I mean, isn't the whole point of me being there to be a Ranger?"

"Yes, but we've never encountered a problem like the Gem of Souls before," said Eithne. "I'm not saying it wasn't a problem when you were a Mystic Ranger, but no one has tried to use it against the Hellhound for their agenda. We don't know what kind of effects it will have against you, which is why you need to rest."

Kali grumbled. "I have rested for almost a month," she whined. "I am going stir crazy. Please. Don't treat me like I am a child."

"She's got a point," said Nick. "Trust me, if you think angry!Kali is bad, you should see sick!Kali. It's worse."

Kali narrowed her eyes at Nick. "Excuse me? I'm worse when sick?" she asked.


"I'm not the one who sits and whines about sounding like a teapot when I have a cold, thank you!" Kali argued.

"No, you just sit there and act like you're dying," Nick retorted.

"I had the flu, I was dying!"

"See what I mean," said Nick, looking at the others while pointing at Kali. "Drama - Argh!" he yelled out as Kali grasped his finger and twisted it around.

Kali smirked as Nick tugged his hand back and glared at her.

"Keep her on bed rest for another month - Ow!" Nick said, yelping as Kali punched him in the shoulder.

"Don't listen to him," said Kali, turning to her mother.

Claire shook her head at the pair and turned back to her potion. "Thankfully, for you, Kali," she said, adding a third anticlockwise stir to the cauldron. "Eithne had been work on a healing potion for you. Unfortunately, given you're the Hellhound, it will only work towards the end of your healing process."

"I'm at the end, right?" Kali asked, hopefully.

"I guess when you take this," said Claire, bottling up a small portion of the potion. "We'll find out." She corked the bottle, gave it a little shake, and then passed it to her friend.

Kali stared at the green liquid for a second, she then uncorked the bottle and swallowed the contents in one. She shuddered as a shiver run down her spine, and she closed her eyes against the sharp, yet bitter taste in her mouth.

"You okay?" Nick asked, placing a hand on her elbow.

Kali took a deep breath. "The next person to ask if I'm okay is going to get punched in the face," she growled, opening her eyes and meeting his gaze.

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