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Warning: This book was written in a pandemic state of mind in which neither author had their sanity. There are parts that lack logic, which we have chalked up to "anime logic". This is a fanfiction, and therefore it's allowed.


Our story begins as our two protagonists, now deemed Dumb and Dumber, wander through the woods looking for the former's kitten- the only reason they were allowed to meet during the quarantine.



"HEY ASTRID! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! I SEE HER," Dumber yells as she runs towards a black figure perched on a dwindling branch.

"I'm coming, but if you're not a little quieter you might scare her away." Astrid approached her friend, having to hurtle and duck through the thorny plants that were abundant in the forest.

"You were LITERALLY just yelling," Everyn responds with her signature deadpan expression.

"Well that was to find Lil Hoe, but I'm telling you if you keep yelling that close to her, you're gonna scare her..." Astrid continued her lecture regarding the sensitivity of a cat's ears only to be interrupted by her friend.

"Oh look, you're right-"

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right."

"Do you even know what you're supposedly right about?"


"As I was saying, you were right, she did run away, but I'm not sure if it was due to my yelling or your incessant rambling."


It was common for the girls to banter back and forth in such a manner, as was the nature of their friendship. The critical situation had only amplified that fact in an effort to reduce the weight of the situation. In reality, the girls had about 10 minutes to retrieve the cat before the sun set completely, and they were left to venture back through the forest at the mercy of the moonlight.

It was by some stroke of luck that Lila, the cat's "true" name (and one which Astrid refused to acknowledge) choose such a time to reveal herself.

"Meow." The moment would have been incredibly cute if the girls had not turned around to see Lila preparing to descend from a rather high branch. You may be thinking-if you're a cat person- well that's still pretty cute. What's the issue? The thought is understandable. I mean, cats are known for their tree climbing abilities, particularly the freakish anatomy that allows them to almost always land on their feet. Unfortunately, Lila was a bit of a black sheep.

Within Astrid's family, Lila was known as "a Fluffy Joe". The stories of Fluffy Joe had been passed down from Astrid's father. His elder sister had named the cats of each litter, dubbing the fluffiest, "Fluffy Joe". This had resulted in a long line of Fluffy Joe's, only told apart by the number following their name. I will spare you the details of the story, but the moral is that Fluffy Joe was a cat you desperately had to watch over, because Fluffy was the cat who got an extra dose of curiosity, but in return had to trade in any sense of logic she may have had.

This cat was a Fluffy Joe. And that was why, when Lila decided to jump, both Everyn and Astrid had identical reactions.


Everyn and Astrid dove simultaneously, though Astrid managed to trip over her own feet before having any success in her mission. Everyn, being the more athletic of the two, made a better attempt in catching the cat that was hurtling towards the ground. She did, in fact, succeed. The price, however, did land her in a ditch. Literally. 

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