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Toshinori, Astrid, and Everyn were nearing the end of their journey. The knowledge that Toshinori would soon be rid of the girl's insufferable bickering was the only thing keeping him sane. He would have much preferred their eerie silence over the girl's continuous back-and-forth complaining.

It had started when they approached the first set of stairs. As expected, Astrid was incapable of walking up them with any semblance of grace. She somehow managed to trip up the stairs. She had accomplished this by repeatedly miscalculating the height of the stair. Her foot would catch the edge of the step and her momentum would cause her to fall forward. Of course, this wouldn't have been a problem if she had slowed down, but Astrid was eager to meet an actual rat-man. 

Besides, none of these incidents were fatal, are even left a mark. If you are as friendly with the floor as Astrid, you learn to catch yourself midfall as a survival skill. However, after the first several falls, Everyn had lost her patience. 

"DUDE! We are NEVER gone make it there with your clumsy ass falling at least once up every flight of stairs! How is that even humanly possible?!"

"Maybe I'm not human. Maybe I'm... a goddess." Astrid replied dramatically.

"No. I was actually implying that you were a sloth."

"Well, I'm proud of my laziness! Anyways, I can't go any faster."

Everyn turned to look back at her friend, seemingly assessing her options, she came to a conclusion:

With Toshinori in his deflated state, he would be of no help, and he was not really bothered by Astrid's clumsy personage. On the contrary, he found it rather endearing. On most occasions, Everyn would agree. She would be cracking jokes left and right at her friend's expense. She recognized that this was one of Astrid's defining characteristics, but in a situation where she had literally fallen into an anime, she was not about to let ANYTHING, even Astrid, delay her from meeting the characters. 

Her extreme impatience gave her All-Might level strength, and with that, she threw Astrid over her shoulder and continued up the stairs, Lila tagging along behind. 

Which leads us to their current situation:

"When are we gonna stop fucking walking? I'm tired of carrying your FATASS up the FUCKING stairs. NOT TO MENTION YOUR FUCKING CAT!" Everyn complained as she barely made it up the last flight of stairs. At some point along the way, Astrid's complaining had caused Everyn to set her down and change to a piggy-back style carry. Astrid had also stuck Lila in her backpack, zipping it up so that her head was poking out.

"Well that's YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM." Astrid shot back. "You're the one who was too impatient. I could have walked by myself."

"Girl, no you could NOT have. We would have had to call a whole EMT for you."

"Calm down, we're here," Toshinori said, clearly tired of hearing the girl's banter. The girl's conversation may have seemed as such to an outsider, and as Toshinori was not personally close to the girl's he did not understand the real dynamic of the conversation. In reality, Astrid was grateful that her friend had gone through the trouble of carrying her up the stairs, and as much as Everyn complained, she was actually at much of a disadvantage. After all, her height made it easy for her to carry Astrid, who may as well have been a feather.

Of course, Toshinori was unaware of this, so when he opened the door and beckoned the girl's to go inside, he was just hoping they would do so without killing each other.

"Oh hello Toshinori," the oversized rat began in his high-pitched voice. "I see you have brought some visitors with you. Are these potential students?"

"And I thought MY ASS looked like a fucking rat," Astrid murmured, referring to her current state. 

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