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         Pipers POV

     "He's gone?" She exclaimed, terrified by the idea.

     "Afraid so, mabey he just headed out?" Leo replied. This was crazy! Jason was gone! Again! She was going to go mental against the Gods if this was because of them again. Suddenly She turned and stormed up the hill towards the big house.

     "were are you going?" Leo asked.

     "To give the Gods a peice of my mind!" she yelled down the hill. She heard foot steps run up behind her, then fall into rythm with her's.

     " I need to see this," Leo Said.


     "Chiron, can I Iris message Olympus?" She shouted into the house once she was at the door.

     "Why, may I ask?" He replied, coming out from the living room in his wheelchair.

     "Jasons gone," Leo said, answering any other questions Chiron may need to ask.

     "I wouldn't advise getting them on your bad side if it isn't because of them, but I'll let you do it round the back of the house - we don't want any other campers worrying. Heres a drachma. I doubt I would be able to stop you." Chiron flipped a  drachma towards her, which she caught with ease.

     "Thank you Chiron," she turned to walk out, and made her way back down the few steps that led down from the front door with Leo trailing behind.

     "Im going to grab Hazel, Frank, and Annabeth. They're going to want to see this," Leo said sprinting down the hill before she could say anything against it.


    "So what exactly happened?" Frank asked after he and Hazel and Annabeth's had been pulled up the hill by Leo.

     "Basiclly Jason wasn't in his bunk this morning, but we know he's gone because there was actully a note saying "yes, he's gone", as if to mock us. She says, "this is exactly what happened last time when he was taking to Camp Half Blood " Frank started, but was cut off by Annabeth.

     "Yeah, but you didn't tell us about the note. We could get one of the Hecate campers to track who ever left it" Annabeth said logically.

     "Nah, sorry. As soon as I touched it, it totally disappeared. Like, poof! Gone," Leo told the group, with a hand action she really didn't think was necessary. Everyone shared confused glances. That had never before, she didn't even know how that could work. She knew how to make a message go up in flames, or wither into ash, but to leave no trance of it in the first place? That would be nearly impossible, or at least difficult.

     "Let's not worry about that at the moment," Annabeth broke the silence."Contact Olympus and see if they have any idea what's happened." She turned the hose on that was attached to the back of the Big House and handed it to Leo who placed his hand over it in such way that it made it spray a thin screen of water. After checking the sunlight was definitely causing a rainbow, She threw the coin into the spray and it disappeared immediately.

     "Show me the Gods of Olympus in the Empire State Building," She said. She wasn't in the mood to be polite.

  Annabeths POV

   The water shimmered and rippled, until it became a view she knew all to well - after all, she had been the one to design and decorate it. The hall was large and made from white marble, with huge Greek pillars holding up the ceiling. There was a small hearth burning in the middle of the room, with a kindly looking young girl tending to it's brilliant flames. But they all knew Hestia wasn't just a small girl. Round the hearth stood twelve towering thrones, each personalized for each God. The newly added "Goth one" as she liked to call it, but would probaly be killed immediately for calling it that - was empty, as Hades was more likely downstairs, sitting on his underworld throne. Dionysus's was also empty, as he was still trapped down at Camp Half Blood. 

Pipers POV

     The water changed so that we saw the majestic throne room of the Gods. Wow, Annabeth did a great job. All the Gods looked up when the group appeared.

     "Whats the problem sweety?" Her mom Aphrodite asked.

     "Jason's gone, and I'm here to see if it was any of you who was responsible for it. Again," She added, staring and locking eyes with Hera.

     Hera chuckled. "Although I throughly enjoyed messing with you mortlas, I have to say it wasn't me this time," Hera smiled venomously. Zeus seemed to be freaking out even though he tried to hide it. The God's couldn't play favorites, but it was very obvious some had their's. Annabeth didn't realise actully how much Zeus cared for his mortal son. (I know Jason died in trails of Apollo but pretend that series never happened)

     "So none of you have any idea were he is?" Her voice wavered slightly as she asked the question she already know the answer to.

     "I truly wish I did," Zeus  piped up. "But I have no idea were he is. Even if he were dead and in the underworld," (cue shivering from Piper)," I would be able to tell were his soul was. But, unfortunaly, I can't sense it at all. Which only suggests one thing," Zeus finished quietly.

     "He's in Tartarus," Piper whispered, and Leo cut off the hose.

Jasons POV

     He woke with a start, and tried to turn over in his bed. When he realised he was strapped down, he knew something was wrong. He was observant in that way. He noticed the poisonous air stinging at his throat, and the hot climate around him that was making him sweat. But what scared him the most was the dripping I.V. that was attached to a vein in his arm. He started to thrash, pulling at the straps tying him down. He even tried to manipulate the air around him to pull the I.V. out of his arm, but found his powers useless.

     "Ah, he awakens. You woke more early than I thought you would Jason Grace, this makes it all the more perfect."  "I, demigod is the primortal of the Pit Tartarus." His voice sent chills down his spine, or more like buckets of ice all over his body. He immediately stopped moving, terrified that someone, even him, had managed to get him down here. 

     "Oh? You heard of me? Well, I guess it would be difficult to not know," Tartarus came into his view. His face made him lose happiness, hope, and any positive emotion that may have been able to scramble to the surface and reach his face was sucked into the swirling abyss that made up the front of Tartarus's head. 

     "Wh-what do you want-t from m-me?" He asked, dreading the answer.

     "Oh it's not what I want from you. It's what I want to give you," Tartarus responded.


     "That I.V. is currently dripping my own blood into yours. By the time it's done, you'll be more powerful, even more than you already are - which  I must say is very respectful. The only thing you may not like is that you'll only be able to do what I want you to do. Like sacrifice your blood for me to awaken and seek revenge for the death of the Earth Mother. Or help me get your other friends of the big three to sacrifice their's too."

     You mean Percy and Nico? But im Roman," He managed to sum up the courage to not stutter, but it took strenth, of which he had very little of.

     "Roman, Greek, what does it matter? You'll all worship me soon. Now, the last part of the transformation is about to happen. I warn you it will be painful, but worth it." Tartarus didn't seem too interested in his pain though. Suddenly, excruciating pain seeped into his body. He screamed and thrashed, as his eyes felt like they were slowly burning from the rims inward. His vision started to fade, pinpointing into a tiny dot where he imagined his pupils would be on his eyes. Then daggers were stabbed into them, cutting off his vision completely. Abrutly, he saw again, but this time as if he were looking through night vision goggles. He had no doubt that would change when he got into the light , though. The pain had stopped. 

     "Is the process done now, Jason?" Tartarus asked, as if to test his ability to talk. 

     Then, against his own will, He responded. "Yes"


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