Something Horrible happened to her sister... (Pt1)

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AN: The actual video is above. In the story, the date is June 17th, and it is currently 4pm in Buffalo, New York, and the chapter is aligned to the video. Quick reminder: None of this is true (except the video!)

(Parker - Normal, Chester - Bold, Isla - Italics, Leah - Underlined)

Parker POV

Today, we're going to start shooting the new video for our main channel, Life of Luxury. It's 4pm now, so Isla is checking the equipment and testing her camera. When we started the channel, I let her be the camera girl, yes, I let a 13 year old film a whole load of videos, but she did surprisingly well, so she is now head of the camera and film. Also, Chester did a year of Film and Photography school, so we have a good team. All the camera frames with both of us in it are from Isla's camera.


Honestly, we have to start the video, and he's nowhere to be seen.

"Ok, Chester's nowhere to be seen, so shall we just start the intro?" I asked Isla


"Ok, CHESTER, WE'RE STARTING WITHOUT YOU!" I gave a thumbs up to Isla

"Camera rolling, 3, 2, 1"

"Hello LuxArmy, let's smash 100,000 if you want new videos"

"So for this episode, we've received an email from an 18 year old girl, named Leah, who thinks there's something horribly wrong with her sister. Leah says that one night, her sister came home late one night, and her face was covered in bandages. Ever since then, her sister has not been acting the same. Leah says that her sister goes out into the woods for hours every night, and when Leah asks her sister what she was doing, she just stares at her, and smiles. She sent us this video for proof."

Isla gave me a thumbs up and I relaxed from my tense posture.

"Great work big bro!"

"Thanks, but where the hell is that idiot, CHESTER! WHERE ARE YOU!"


Finally, he comes down.

"Where were you!"

"I was trying to find my sunglasses!"

"Fine, come on, let's check the video add that girl's video onto the end of it"

We go to the editing studio, what, I wanted to be professional, also, our parents were billionaires (don't ask) so we have a lot of money. The money was left in my name so I made an account for Isla and put half in hers too, we both have 5 billion dollars in our accounts.

Anyways, around 9:00, we headed out, after filming a little more.

"Leah says she feels unsafe alone with her sister right now, so today we're going out to her house, to see what's going on. Let's go"

We headed out, and Isla grabbed the webcam, that we positioned carefully so that nobody sees Isla sitting behind Chester in the video. We're trying to hide the her so that that point of view seems kind of ghostly. Around 11:30 I signal Isla to start the webcam. It has a remote that controls it.

Chester starts "Bro, I've have to say, this girl's gotta be pretty messed up if her own sister's afraid of her"

"Dude, we don't know what kind of an accident her sister got in, so we should be more sensitive about this"

(Isla POV)

"Dude, you saw the video she sent us, there's something wrong with that girl"

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