Chapter 4: The Academy

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"Who can tell me the 4th Hokage's nickname?"

No one spoke up.

Iruka frowned at the students.

"Come on guys! I just said it 5 minutes ago!"

He scanned the room and saw a certain blonde boy lightly snoring in the corner.

Iruka inhaled deeply and exclaimed in a ear piercing voice.


The blonde jolted awake, looking around.


Naruto looked to see his instructor seething in anger.

"What is the 4th Hokage's nickname?!"


Naruto's brain went empty for a couple seconds. He thought with all his brain power.

"Oh! I remember!"

Iruka raised his eyebrow.

"Well what is it you moron?"

Naruto looked to see his greatest annoyance, Sakura Haruno, had called him a moron.

"Shut up you pink haired fangirl.
Your lucky you even qualify to be in the class."
Sakura looked at the blonde with a glare of disgust.

"Well answer Naruto!" Iruka chimed in.

"Ok. The Forth Hokage's nickname is..."

Everyone was listening intently to hear what he would say.

"Konoha's Yelling Trash!"

Iruka's face went from a curious gaze to one full of rage.


Iruka went on this rant for a while.

While he was unleashing his fury, Sasuke was whispering to Naruto.

"If we have to do twenty-five laps around the school, I'm gonna kill you."

Naruto was very apologetic.

"Look, its not my fault the 4th Hokage has a weird nickname!"

"Its Yellow Flash Naruto! Is that so hard to remember?"

"Do you want the real answer, or the Naruto answer?"

"Oh shut up."

Although Sasuke sounded mad, his face told a different story. He had a very small smirk on his face.

"I can't believe my best friend is a complete idiot." Sasuke said.

Sasuke knew Naruto was only acting dumb, but he still chastised him.

"Whatever." Naruto was just irritated at this point.

Iruka had finally ended his rant, and because of Naruto's ignorance, the students had to take a physical test of taijutsu and kunai throwing.

As they went outside, Naruto heard a voice in his head

'Naruto.' The voice said in a eerie tone.

'Shinigami-sama? Is there anything you need?' Naruto replied.

'Yes, Naruto. I believe it's about time for your training to begin.'

'But I am already training at the Academy.'

'No, no. I mean the training I can give you.'

Upon hearing this, Naruto almost exploded in a frenzy of glee, but contained himself and his happiness.

'Yes! Finally I get some real training! Sasuke's gonna be in trouble!'

'Naruto, the training I give is not to be taken lightly.' The Shinigami stated in a wary tone.  'You must use my abilities only when it is necessary.'

Naruto's face went from joyful to bummed out in two seconds. Nevertheless, he complied.

'Yes Shinigami-sama. Just one question though. When do we start?'

'We begin tomorrow morning at 5 am.'

Now, Naruto tried to negotiate the time, but was unsuccessful in doing so.

'Fine. I'll wake up.'

The Shinigami then cut off the link, and then Naruto continued his Academy training and headed home.

He went to sleep excited for what the next day would bring.

Little did he know, he would be in for a world of pain.

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