Chapter 1: Findings

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(Such a good theme song made me cry a few times)

(Location): Outskirts of Boston New York
(Time): 3:40 pm
(Mission): recon Boston and report back to the brotherhood

" as the camera goes down into a small town a soldier wearing armor can be seen walking through it"

(Y/n):" ah Boston new York I'm home, mhm looks like there's some houses over there maybe I can find people"

" as the (y/n) walks to the houses he sees no one but a robot"

(Y/n):" a mister handy wonder if it's seen anyone"

Codsworth:(humming) oh hello there"

(Y/n):" hi um sorry to be a bother but has anybody lived or been here recently"

Codsworth:" no not for quiet sometime actually the original resident went up into that vault up in the hill"

(Y/n):" well thank you"
" wow what a nice robot"
"As I walk up the hill I see the vault the robot was talking about I look around for a way to open it and I see a station with a button on it"

(Y/n):" well hope it works"
"As I press the button the door opens and an elevator opens up"

(Y/n):" huh for a vault made 200 years ago the elevator still works"

" as I get on the elevator it starts to go down and the door above me closes"

(Y/n):" well I hope it can open again or I'm stuck down here forever"

" as the elevator stops the gays In front of me open"

(Y/n):" huh where are all the residents"

" as I move through the vault I see radroaches"

(Y/n):" well if those are here that's means the resident are gone well( cocks gun) time to exterminate"
" as I shoot at the bugs I make it to a door I press the button and it opens and I see why the roaches were in here, the resident were all in Cyro pods, as I head over to a computer on the walls I look to see what the status of the pods were, when I looked I almost shed a tear, all the residents were dead the pods showed that they weren't put back in stasis, before I left the terminal I looked and there was 1 working pod with a female in it named Nora, I went over to the pod and pulled the emergency release handle on it and the pod opens"

Nora POV

???: hello... ca....can you here... me"

Nora:" ugh what the hell happened
" as my pod was open I start to awake but as I do I remember something my husband!"

Nora:" excuse me move

???:" wow wow calm down you just got out of cyro stasis it takes a while to get adjusted once you come out"

Nora:" sorry I just need to see my husband"

" as I go to my husband pod I open it and I cry seeing my husbands dead body"

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