Chapter 2: Saving the Minutemen

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(So I making this chapter at 12:36 pm and can't go to sleep so bare with me here)

" as me, Nora and our new dog head to concord we hear shooting and shouting"

Nora:" sounds like someone needs help"

(Y/n):" alright stick with me Nora"

" as we head to concord we get into a ruined building and see what the problem was"

Fem Raider:" god its taking forever to kill these people"

Preston: "come raiders bring it on"

Male raider:" come on kill him it's just one person"

(Y/n):" make that 4"

Male raider:" oh great more people let's get them"

Nora:" well guess we can't talk it out"

(Y/n):" these are raiders you never talk it out with them EVER, unless you got ones that are willing too which isn't comin in the wasteland"

" as I shoot the first raider in the head Nora gets a few shots on 2 raiders"

(Y/n):" nice shot"

Nora:"(blush) thanks"

" as we make are way to the to the concord museum we see a man on a balcony"

Preston:" hey you there we need your help we got people inside and the raiders are almost through the door, hurry"

Y/n:" well let's go"

"As we go into the museum looks pretty brad we here gun shots and we see raiders on the balcony in front of us"

Y/n:" alright raider scum(prims grenade) take this"

" as I through my grenade I here a loud bang and screams"

Y/n:" eat that you rat bastards"

Nora:" let's hurry and get to them"

" as we made are way to the door after fighting some raiders, the man from the balcony opens it"

Preston:" hey, thanks for the help now come on"

" as we walk into the room we see 4 other people"

Preston:" hey thanks for your help, we thought we were done for"

Y/n:" no problem"

Nora:" anytime"

Preston:" well we need your help again, we need to leave this place and find somewhere else to settle, we moved from place to place from Lexington all the way to here we had a group of 30 now 5"

Y/n:" wow I'm sorry to hear that must of been rough"

Preston:" it was but we have a plan to get out, tell em Sturges"

Sturges:" you may of seen a vertibird on top of the roof pre war you might of seen it, well it has a mini gun on it but your gonna need something to get it this is the sweet part, a full suit of power armor the fusion core powering it is out so your gonna have to get one from the basement it's gonna require you to do some hacking"

Y/n:" a mini Gun and a suit of power armor nice"

Nora:" well let's go get it"

"As we went downstairs we see what Sturges was talking about"

Nora:" well let's try hacking it.............. damn got locked out of it"

Y/n:"let me try something"
[loads laser rifle fires it]

Y/n:" there we go that should work, grab the core let's go"

" as we head up the stairs to the roof we go through the door to the roof to see a rusted suit of t-45 armor"

Nora:" hey y/n idk how to use the armor can you use it"

Y/n:" yeah I can the brotherhood had t-60 armor so this should be easy"
" as I get into the armor it's a bit rusty but still works"

Nora:" wow"

Y/n:" well let's get that mini gun"

" as I head over to the vertibird I grab the mini gun and load it"

Raider:" what the hell"


Y/n:" alright raiders EAT LEAD"

" as I start up the mini gun I fire it at a group of raiders tearing them apart"


Raider:" the hell was that"


Nora:" what's a deathclaw"

Y/n:" giant lizard with sharp claws"

" as soon as I said that the deathclaw comes out"

Y/n:" Nora stay behind me this could get ugly"

Raider 3:" Shoot it shoot I-"

Y/n:" eat this you over grown lizard"

" as I fire at the deathclaw the bullets hit but only slows it down"

Y/n:" tough little bastards but this should kill you"

" I fire my next set of rounds into the deathclaw killing it"

Nora:" nice y/n"

Y/n:" yep let's get back to Preston and tell them it's clear"

" as we head back into the museum we see Preston and the others"

Preston:" hey is it clear"

Y/n:" yep the way is clear"

Mama Murphy:" I sense something that troubles you a lost relative perhaps,  your son"

Nora:" wait you know Shaun"

Murphy:" no but I do know he alive"

Nora:" wait plz tell me where he is"

Murphy:" I don't have a clear picture of where he is but he's alive I feel it"

Nora:" oh ok"

Preston:" anyways again thanks for your help but do you know a place we could settle that isn't inhabited"

Nora:" there's a street I used to live on it's called sanctuary, it's done the road the only person there is codsworth by robot, he will be helpful if you tell him your my friends"

Preston:" wow thank you here take this"

(Received 200 caps)

Nora:" atleast we know my son is alive"

Y/n:" hey atleast that gives us something...... actually I think I might have someone who could help us find your son"

Nora:" who"

Y/n:" an old friend of mine he's a detective nick valentine he lives in diamond city one of the biggest settlements in the commenwealth"

Nora:" well let's go then"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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