Chapter 19 He Gives Her Time to Think

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          Marinette wishes to say yes, but how can she? She is not so sure. Sure she wants to marry him, but how can she promise him anything when the future is so uncertain.  

          "Adrien, I am sorry, but I c-can n-not decide wh-what to do y-yet," Marinette says. She starts to run in the opposite direction.

        Alya and Nino shake their heads out of concern for both their best friends. They have no idea what to make of the answer Marinette gives right now. They thought for sure she would have said yes.  It is obvious Marinette and Adrien love each other.

       "Marinette, wait, I will let you think about it more," Adrien says when he finally catches up to her.

     "Adrien, do not make this harder," Marinette replies.

        Adrien hugs her with tears in his eyes.  "Look, I love you, but I understand if you need more time," He tells her.

       Marinette nods her head as he smiles. She can understand him sometimes, how can he smile when she did not give him the answer he hopes for?  She thinks he is unbelievable. Yes, her Adrien is rather something special.

       Tom calls Marinette and asks, "Have you come to a decision yet?" 

       "Father, I am still not sure," Marinette says.

       "I see, well you still have time since I only told you about the sale and the move recently,"  He replies into his phone.

       "Dad, Adrien proposed and I did not know what to tell him," Marinette blurts out.

       "Does he love you?" Tom asks.

      "Yes, but..." Marinette begins to say.

      "Do you love him?" Tom asks next.

    "Yes, but..." Marinette starts to say once more.

         Adrien takes the phone for a moment, "Mr. Cheng, I love her and I know she loves me, but she also cares about her family, so I decided to give her more time to give me an answer."

        "Adrien, you would make a fine son-in-law, so I would approve if you did marry her, and I would try to come to see the wedding," Tom states.

      "I know and I appreciate it," Adrien says.

     "Take good care of her for me," Tom says sadly.

      "I will," Adrien says sadly.

        Adrien hands the phone back to Marinette, "Here, your father is done talking to me."

          Marinette frowns, but takes the phone and asks, "Father, it is so hard to decide. I mean how can I just leave you when you are my family?  Yet at the same time, how could I leave Adrien when I love him?"

       "I know you will make the right decision. Just follow your heart," Tom tells his daughter.

           Marinette smiles, as she says,  "Yes, ok."  She hangs up right after she hears a click in her ear.

         Adrien sighs as he paces back and forth. He looks up to see Marinette smiling at him.

           Marinette kisses his cheek, "Thanks for everything, Adrien." She says.

              Adrien nods his head as he watches her go. He feels as if his heart goes with her.  He walks home unsure what the future holds for them both.

              Plagg sees him and asks, "You okay, Adrien?"

            Adrien shakes his head, "I am not sure, to be honest, but maybe I will  be in time."

                Marinette walks home by herself for once, goes to her room, and thinks this is so weird. She reflects over everything that has taken place and wonders what her father meant.  

             Tikki asks, "Marinette, I do not get it, I thought you wanted to marry, Adrien Agreste.  It is all you ever talked about in high school."

             "Tikki, it is much more difficult than you think," Marinette remarks.

           "Difficult, Marinette, you love him, he loves you, and that is all there is to it," Tikki points out.

           " I know your father sold the bakery and plans to move, but do you honestly want to give up Adrien just to make your father happy? " Tikki asks.

              Marinette lays on her stomach with her journal open. She writes in it for a bit, then takes a nap.

         Find out more in Chapter  20  

     No copy cats allowed.-Summer Cheng

       _Summer out!

True Love at Last: The Unexpected Visitor(s)  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now