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To say that I like being a mutant is like saying some chick likes Justin Bieber. Or whatever singer, band, pop doofus, is popular at any given moment in our world. I do not like being a mutant. I love it. It is who and what I am.

When my powers first manifested I feared them. I had no control over them and it was frightening. As years passed and I learned how to control them the fear subsided and I grew to embrace my powers. There are issues one must deal with when one is a mutant, of course. Like the fact that most people despise and distrust mutants. Fear them. And would do anything they could to lock us away to keep the world safe. Even after so many years of our presence being common knowledge.

It pays to keep a low profile.

My mother was one of those people who feared mutants. My powers manifested when I was thirteen, during a massive argument she and I were having. It was a stupid argument about homework I hadn't done. But I lost my temper and managed to short-circuit every electronic device inside our house. When the smoke and sparks cleared, I watched my mother pale considerably and back away from me. After a frightened shriek, she ran, shoved some of my things into a bag, and pushed me out the door with the command to never return. There was no waiting for my dad to get home from work and discuss it, she just locked me out and threatened to call the police if I didn't leave immediately. I will never forgive her or forget the fear I saw in her eyes beneath the anger.

I've been on my own ever since, hiding out, always moving, until I could control my power and hide properly in plain sight. Now that I'm eighteen, I've got a job as a waitress at a small diner and I'm living in a shelter for teens and young adults. As soon as I have enough money I'll get a place of my own and no one will ever put me on the streets again.

This is my story. I want you to know how my life changed. Tell you about the day I discovered there could be more to a mutant's life than simply hiding in plain sight. This story will show you how I went from being alone to being surrounded by friends. I found a place where I belong.

At Xavier's school, Ifound a home and a purpose. I found the X-Men.

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