Just like you. (rick and morty oneshot)

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One day Rick and morty had got into an heated argument. In a drunken rage Rick decided he no longer needed the smith family, leaving Morty, summer, beth, and jerry. Rick took his inventions, his ship, his portal gun...etc etc.
——————— 1 year passes———————
Rick had decided not to return to earth...he stayed in space and did what he would normally do, cause trouble...do drugs..and do a lot of- adult activities. Morty hasn't seen rick since the day rick left.. Morty was blamed for rick leaving. Beth had practically been heart broken when rick left. Morty's family had basically fallen apart. Morty began becoming more- jaded, the teen had developed many of ricks views aswell as,,ricks issues. Morty drank, did drugs, and was pretty depressed. Morty hated to admit it but rick was his only friend. morty just wanted to numb his pain which is why he turned to drugs, etc.
Ricks POV:
jesus i'm not normally a emotional drunk but *burp* i fucking miss that little shit. (of course rick was talking about morty..)it had been a year but- somehow whenever i drink..i just think about earth and...my family. i don't want to admit it but i miss them. fuck maybe..maybe i can just..see how they're doing? i can just go back to earth and things will go back to how they used to be! (rick obviously wasn't thinking straight- he must've drank a little more than normal) i decide to use my portal gun to get their faster...i punch in the coordinates and-
Morty POV:
So remember how my family fell apart? yeah? well, you see, most of it is my fault seeing as i'm normally drunk or high. like anytime of the day. i don't care what my family thinks anymore. of course my parents and summer are concerned but- i mean being drunk or high helps muffle things. its- it's...unhealthy, i know. speaking of which i decided to get absolutely wasted when i woke up this morning.. when i finally get off my ass i decide to watch inter dimensional cable in the living room. summer sits next to me. then the front door opens..
Ricks POV:
I arrive at my destination..i take a moment to observe the front of the house..their aren't many changes. i can feel my palms sweating vigorously. i approach the front door of the house and and turn the handle and walk in. the first thing i see when i walk in the house is summer and a very-,,,tired looking morty watching inter dimensional television. "RICK??" Summer says loudly... Morty's gaze turns to rick.."..." Morty stays silent..as his gaze goes back to the TV.. "H-hey guys...i- i'm *burp* sorry for leaving.." i awkwardly rub my neck feeling more guilty than i ever have in my life. "do you guys want to update me on any recent character arcs?...or y-ya know..anything?"... i chuckle dryly. "Grandpa rick,, just..just come in. i don't want you just standing at the door forever. you can sit down if you want but if you plan on leaving again you better leave before my mom gets home." summer says apetheticly. "oh a-alright." i fully enter the house and sit down on the couch next to morty. most likely more close to morty than morty would've liked. "So how are you t-two?" rick gestures between Summer and Morty. "Oh jus- justt fineee rick..j-just great ya know?" Morty slurs out sarcastically. i frown and examine how morty looks..not good. "we've been shitty rick." Summer says plainly and then shrugs. awkward silence fills the room for a brief moment. "Morty i hate to be so— ah up front b-but..are yo-you *burp* drunk?" i say worriedly. "You- you already know the answer to that f-fucking question Rick" Morty says my name with such venom. "..." awkward silence fills the room yet again. "Y-you know what Rick..why the fuck are you even heree... i- i thought you didn't need us-" Morty says darkly. "I'm *burp* the smartest man in the universe do i really need a reason morty?" i reply sarcastically. "Of courseee you still have a god c-complex...r-rick! and YES you- you do need a fucking reason! it's been a YEAR!"  Morty seethed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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