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"hi seungmin!"

"oh god! when are you gonna leave me alone?! it's been a week hwang hyunjin!" seungmin whined, basically crying. his friends shook their heads at them. hyunjin giggled and sat in front of seungmin while resting his head on his palm.

"until you tell me."

"ugh! fine! but not here or right now." seungmin rolled his eyes. hyunjin cheered, "yes! finally! i'm so excited! how about later? i have practice until 3, you can come later." he said.

seungmin sighed, "i regret everything. fine. now go away you annoying ass." he rolled his eyes. hyunjin clapped his hands, "later it is! don't forget!" he said, then ran away.

seungmin dropped his head on the table, making a loud thud. his friends looked at him with raised brows, "seung, you good?" asked jisung, poking seungmin's head. seungmin sighed once again, "my day is ruined." he mumbled.

"it'll be like that sometime." said changbin. felix nudged seungmin, "cheer up bro, it's just a bad day. not a bad life. it'll end, don't worry." he said.

seungmin sat up straight and exhaled, "aight."

as classes is over, seungmin packed up his stuff and got up. as he was getting up, his phone rang. he fished it out and got a text from hyunjin.

annoying hyunjin:
>don't forget!!
>im waiting at the pool!
>there's no one here!
>come on come on
>come on come on
>don't ran away
>don't escape
>im gonna wait until u come
idc how long it takes
>actually i care

uGh ure annoying as always!<

>you might run away :(


seungmin sighed at the text and skipped to the pool, but his friends stopped him, "where are you going?" asked jisung. seungmin pointed to the restroom, "restroom, i've been holding my pee for hours. i need to use it. you guys go first." he lied.

they nodded, "alright, see you tomorrow." they bid goodbyes. seungmin waved his hands and went to the pool. he opened the door and met hyunjin, who's just sitting by the pool with his feet under the water.

seungmin cleared his throat, catching hyunjin's attention. hyunjin looked up and waved his hand, "hi! come here and sit with me- wait you're not gonna change right?" he asked. seungmin sighed and sat next to hyunjin, "no."

"then how did you become.."

"i changed only when most of my body is underwater." said seungmin as he put his feet in the pool and played with the water. hyunjin tilted his head, "then.. how do you change back?" he asked.

"i must be completely out of the water and wait for five seconds." he said. hyunjin nodded his head, "ah.. i see.. so.. your hair changes too right?"

"yeah." seungmin simply said.

"but how? i mean.. how are you half human and half mer-"

"don't say it." seungmin glared at him. hyunjin flinched, "woops sorry. so?"

"my dad is a human and my mom isn't. i think that's all i need to tell you. we're not even close to each other." he said and got up. hyunjin whined, "but we knew each other since nineth grade!"

"doesn't mean we're close to each other. we know each other from jeongin." seungmin rolled his eyes, "also, never tell anyone about this, you've been warned." he said and left.

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