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Merida walked along to the beat of the music blaring in her earphones. She was on her way to Hiccup's house to pick him up ready to go to the beach, Jack and Punzie said they would meet them there. Quickly, Merida approached Hiccup's small cottage, she knocked on the door and was greeted by Hic's giant of a dad whom reminded her of her father. Merida stepped inside and wandered in to Hiccups room.
"Ew!! Hic put a shirt on!" Merida half yelled but was then interrupted by a series of giggles followed by snorts. Hiccup chuckled and pulled her into his arms.
"Hello to you too beautiful." He smiled and kissed her lips tenderly, Merida wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. After a minute or so the two broke away.
"Have ye got ye stuff ready?" Merida asked slightly breathless.
"Yeah." Hic replied whilst pulling on a shirt. Hiccup hauled his bag over his shoulder and said goodbye to his dad and his German Shepard, Toothless.
"Let's go!" Merida yelled excitedly.
"PUNZE!" Jack called up the stairs.
"I'm coming!" Rapunzel replied. She skipped down the stairs, her long long blonde hair was plaited down her back; it sashayed from side to side. Rapunzel kissed her mom and dad goodbye before leaving through the front door. Jack followed behind and opened the passenger door to his car for Rapunzel.
"Milady." He said in a fake posh accent. She smiled and slipped in. Jack got into the drivers seat and started up the engine.
"Woo! Let's go!" Jack and Punzie yelled in unison.
After what felt like an eternity, Punze and Jack arrived at the beach and where soon greeted by Merida, Hiccup and Merida's family.
"It's so great to see ye Rapunzel!" Merida's mom cried happily in her thick Scottish accent.
"It's good to see you to Mrs DunBroch!" Punzie replied hugging Merida's mom back. Jack joined Hiccup in the cabin whilst the girls picked rooms.
"Why do the girls get to pick first?" Hiccup asked sulkily. Jack folded his arms.
"Because it was Merida's idea. Little flame head!" Jack said angrily. Hiccup chuckled them stopped himself. Wait he's talking about my girlfriend! Hic thought to himself. The girls emerged from the far bedroom in their swimwear. Hiccup whistled as Merida sashayed past him. Jack however stared a Rapunzel with a burning red blush spread over his cheeks, Rapunzel giggled sweetly and pulled him along with the rest of the group.
"Let's go swimming!" Merida shouted as she ran down the sandy beach into the water. Hiccup and Rapunzel jogged behind. Awkwardly, Jack watched them from further up the beach. Soon Punzie and Mer noticed and ran out of the water to Jack.
"What's wrong Jack?" Rapunzel asked worriedly.
"Yeah frostbite, are ye scared of a wee bit of water?" Merida laughed.
"No," Jack replied through gritted teeth, "I'll get in when I'm ready." He mumbled.
"Welllll, I think ye are ready now c'mon!" Merida yelled whilst pulling Jack along by the arm. He resisted with all of his strength.
"NO MER!" He cried at the top of his lungs. Punzie grabbed his other arm as Merida began to push him from behind.
"It's only water Jack. it's not going to hurt you, be a man!" Rapunzel tried to sound reassuring. Jack swallowed nervously as the got closer and closer to the water.
"PLEASE!" He begged. Too late. The girls pushed Jack into the sea and he landed face first with an almighty splash. He leapt up and splashed Punzie and Merida whom where laughing hysterically, Hiccup soon joined in.
The sun soon began to set and the four relaxed in front of a fire on the sand. Rapunzel rested her head on Jack's lap and closed her eyes.
"I can't believe we graduate in a matter of weeks." Merida said.
"I know...." Hic replied. Jack was munching on a roasted marshmallow, he nodded in agreement.
They all stayed there in a comfortable silence as the stars began to spread across the sky. Rapunzel pointed out constellations to Jack who was mildly fascinated, Hiccup and Merida where making s'mores.
"Rapunzel..." Jack mumbled looking down into her big green eyes.
"Yes?" She whispered in response.
"You look very pretty." He whispered softly.
"ARGH! Jack ye can do better than saying shes pretty!" Merida yelled at them. Punzie giggled but Jack flushed red in embarrassment.
"You're right Mer!" Jack called back. "I can...." He whispered to himself. He turned back to Rapunzel and enveloped her lips with a soft sweet kiss.

RotBTD: Senior year. Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now