Chapter 4. Ermergerd!

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As Jack pulled away Rapunzel could feel a blush heating in her cheeks. Punzie looked down, nervously avoiding eye contact with Jack.
"Punze?" He whispered nervously. Jack gently lifted Rapunzel's chin with his thumb. A wide smile spread across Rapunzel's face as she suddenly kissed him back! Jack chuckled and hugged her tightly not wanting to let go.
"Finally!" He herd Merida yell.
Jack and Punzie turned around to see Hic and Merida dancing around and cheering, soon they were dancing all together.
"Ermergerd!" Punzie squealed excitedly.
"ERMERGERD!" Merida jumped up onto her bed and bounced around. "Finally! Rapunzel and Jack! Together at last. Jackunzel!!!" Merida jumped around fist pumping the air.
"Woah wooah there. We just kissed...he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend." Rapunzel said disappointedly.
"Yet...!" Merida cried pointing at Punzie.
Hiccup and Jack groaned in the room next door.
"Why do girls get so worked up!" Hiccup yelled into his pillow.
"I dunno Hic, I think it's cute." Jack mumbled in a daze.
Hiccup laughed to himself and rolled over in his bed. Jack waited until the girls stopped screaming and laughing, eventually he slipped out of bed and made his way to the door.
Punzie laid awake staring at the ceiling think about Jack, just then there was a faint knock on the door. Rapunzel glanced over at Merida's sleeping figure before wiggling out of the bed sheets and padding over to the door. Silently she pulled open the door a fraction to reveal Jack.
"Jack!" Punzie surprised whispered.
"Shh, ah-um I wanted to come and say good night." He whispered back shyly. Rapunzel smiled sweetly and pecked his lips.
"Goodnight Jack." She giggled.
"Goodnight Punzie." He said back.
Rapunzel closed the door quietly and retreated back to bed with a giddy grin across her face.

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