Todoroki's gf and backstory

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Sorry for slow updates my dad is moving and I'm writing this in the bathroom cause we are having carpet in the house replaced which is like 70% of the house.

So I might have already done this but whatever. People keep asking why you live with you aunt so whatever.

So it all started when Y/n was born. You lived happily for a year and then moved with your aunt.

Your aunt was nice to you and you met Todoroki when you went to the park one day. But one day you didn't return since you move to another part of japan.

Fast forward till you were like 10 and you figured out why you lived with your aunt.

Your parents started doing drugs and it turned out not to be a safe environment anymore. They did get a cat and have like 3 more kids who all moved in with different people and one age or another.

You got into UA and saw Todoroki again and you both started going out. Your aunt saw how happy you were and allowed it.

The shit show of a father didn't allow it but he doesn't matter.

During one of your breaks you met your parents and honestly you were glad you lived with your aunt cause they were weird.

Anyways I hope that clears things up for you guys. Have a nice day.

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