Chapter 17

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It had been nearly a week since we had spoken to each other. The ice between us was freezing and freezing and none of us tried breaking it. Did I matter to that extent only?

It was the fourth period, and none was interested in the class. The guy named Shivank poked me from back. I raised my brow asking 'what'.

"Want some?", he asked forwarding the tiffin which contained palak paneer and parathas.

I denied politely as I looked ahead to the black board. What is the fun in having lunch just before the lunch break? You can wait just for another 20 - 25 minutes to get to eat with friends.

"Shivank", the sir called out for him.


I looked back at him as he slowly rose to his feet.

"How do we solve equation number 18. Can you say?", the teacher asked with one hand on his hip and the other on the table to support his posture.

"Question number eighteen? Err.. Sure, sir", he said as he took out his copy to solve it.

"Come to the board and solve it", sir said and even I could hear his heart beat.

The teacher's head moved around with Shivank's each movement.

He took the chalk from the teacher and stared at the blackboard for a minute. He turned back and looked towards his bench. His friends were signalling him the answer. He nodded and started doing the way they gestured.

The sir smiled sardonically as he held his ear and nearly tore it.

"Study before you go for all the naughty things. Now go to your place!", he sternly said.

Neither only was the answer wrong, but he was solving the question of the previous chapter.

What a fool.

I shot a glance at her. She was sitting in a corner today, looking distant and disturbed. She looked at me and I diverted my eyes back to the board. She bit the corner of her lip and seemed like having an Internal fight.

As soon as the bell rang, the students ran hither and thither. But neither her nor I moved even an inch.

Eventually, she came forward towards me.

"Hey", she called out frailly and I returned the gesture. How close yet how far.

"I promised to give a book to you. Will you come with me after school to get it?", she asked.

"Why? Couldn't you bring it to school?", I asked, acting indifferent.

She chuckled and moved her head to the sides and her ponytail banged a few times on the sides of her neck.

"That's a fat book. Hence, can't bring it to class", she said smiling.

The line between us was paper thin. The difference between us was vast. She always smiled, no matter how much pain she endured. I always stayed cold, no matter how much jovial the matter was.

"Okay", I said looking out. We coexisted in silence for a few minutes after that as she slumped back on the chair folding her hands behind her head.

"Lunch?", she asked.

"Not brought", my brief reply.

"Why?", she asked again.

"I don't like eating so much"

"No wonders you are so weak despite your stout figure"

"What about you?"

"Not brought"

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