Chapter 3

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This chapter is written by Erin

Kayleigh's POV

Why does Aaron want to MARRY me? It's just absurd! I cry harder into Jared s shoulder.just thinking about marrying gives me butterflies in the stomach! Is that good or bad? I really don't know, but I do know that I ask waaay to young to get married. This is how I see life, if you're not ready to have babies with the person yet then don't marry them.

About an hour later, Jared finally leaves and I had up upstairs to go to sleep. Before turning off my light I see something out of the corner of my eye. I turn around and see writing on my mirror.

In bold letters I see: Marry me? Marry me! I love you Kayleigh -Aaron. It's written in my favorite lipstick. I wore that exact same thing of lipstick on our first date. Did he do that on purpose?

It doesn't matter if he did it on purpose! It's creepy! Why is Aaron being like this? Why now? It just doesn't make don't just wake up one day and decide, hey, I'm going to ask my girlfriend of one year to marry me and if she says no I will stalk her and keep asking her until she says yes! I mean it's crazy, really. And honestly out scares me.

"Hey Kayleigh!? I think I'm going to leave okay?" Jared calls up the stairs.

I frown. "Fine, whatever!" I call down the stairs. I curl into a little ball on my bed. Why is it so cold in here? I hear the door close behind Jared and his jeep drive away. Next thing I know I fall into a dream less sleep.

I am awoken by another car driving into the driveway. " go away Jared!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. " I'm trying to sleep and if you think about coming into this house I will kill you with my own bare hands" I really want to be left alone. " babe its me." Aaron calls into my window. " I said go away!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Woah are you at your time of month?" Aaron questions. " I will kill you! RIP out your throat with my bare hands. TRY ME!" I scream at him.

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