Part 1 - A battle and Malasadas!

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Just a compliment. He thought. It was just a simple compliment, so why was it stuck in his head. Why is he stuck in his head?

Gladion was thinking about his most recent battle with Ash. The ravenette had won, and pikachu had defeated all of his Pokemon.


"Hey Gladion!" The ravenette said. "Good battle,"
"I'm really liking how you are developing your own battle style. It's really fun to see!" He said.
"W-wait really?!" I said.
"Yeah?" Ash said. "Why is that so shocking?"
"Oh, it's nothing," I said. The reason this hit me hard is because my mother had showed so little affection towards me and Lillie in the few years before I left. And even since I left there I hadn't gotten much affection or many compliments. That's why.

End of flashback

But the thing is. That was two days ago, and Lillie has seen me like this. She tried to ask what was wrong but I said it was nothing. I hate being like this. I always want to be open to Lillie.
"Umbreon, wanna go train?" I asked. Umbreon has been out of it's pokeball for a while now. It had decided to stop to going into it's pokeball for a few days. I
"Umbre!" It cheered.

We went outside and I let out Lycanroc.  They practiced moves and I had a quick nap. Once I woke up I fed some special food that Lillie helped me make. I had asked her if there was anything I could make for them that would help them get stronger.

"Rowlet! Use Brave Bird," I heard a male voice call. "Now use seed bomb!"
"Huh, wonder who that is," I thought out loud. "Probably Ash,"

Then a guy in some rough clothes came running through. He had a blue jacket on, some blue jeans and a red cap. These were pretty messy and looked like they had been worn for a few years.
"Oh! Hey Gladion!" He said. He took off his cap and it revealed his hair. It was black and- yup it's Ash.
"Why are you in those clothes?" I asked.
"Hmm? Oh these clothes are from when I was in Kalos. There was no clean clothes other then these," He said.
"Right. Were you just training Rowlet just now?"
"Mhm," he said shortly "Wanted to see it get a bit stronger,"
"Well, why doesn't it go against Umbreon? They could battle for a while,"
"Rowlet, you up to that?"
"Ok then, lets battle Gladion,"

We fought for a while and Umbreon won. Rowlet fainted and Umbreon was also pushed hard.
"Thanks Rowlet, return." Ash said. "Your battling style is getting more and more distinct every time we battle!" He said. His brown eyes lit up. "It's so cool, I really enjoyed that!"
"Oh umm, thanks Ash!"  I muttered. The first part was barely audible.
"Hey, wanna grab a malasada?" He asked. (I'm sorry they all have to have a malasada scene)
"Yeah sure,"

We walked down into town and into the malasada shop. This one was one of the first ones to open up on the island. And it is the best.
"We're here!" Ash cheered. He seemed so excited to get a malasada. Fair enough.
"Right, I will order. What do you want?" I asked.
"A sweet malasada for me and a sour one for Pikachu."
"Cha~" Pikachu said.
"Right." I went up to the counter and ordered the malasadas. I then sat down at the table Ash was at.

"Enjoy~" The lady said, handing us our malasadas.
"Thanks!" I called out. I pulled a bit off my malasada and popped it in my mouth. I looked out the window. The view was great. I had always liked watching people pass by and go on with their lives. It would always be from a ledge or tree or something like that. Never this close. I looked at the other three. Umbreon was nearly finished with hers but Ash and Pikachu had finished already and started messing around. I smiled. This was fun, even if only slightly. I tore off another price of my malasada and put it in my mouth.

"Did I just see the Edge Lord Gladion smile?" He asked.
"Huh- uh what? No!" I stumbled over my words. He just laughed slightly.
"It's fine. It's nice to see it. It's just unlike you," He said. I gave him a little smile and bit into my malasada. I then returned to look out the window. This was nice. I haven't been this calm for a while.

I have a feeling I can let my guard down around Ash. I smiled at the thought. I bit into my malasada again.
"Again!?" He muttered.
"Heyyyy," I replied. We both chuckled. I finished up my malasada.
"Well, this was nice thanks," I said.
"No problem, malasadas are the best, aren't they?" He turned to Pikachu and Umbreon. They replied happily.

I got up, said goodbye and left with Umbreon. We walked for a while until we reached my favourite ledge. I sat on it and let out Silvally and Lycanroc. We sat there for a while before going for another walk. It got dark and I was nowhere near our estate.
"Looks like we are camping out tonight,"
"Let's set it up,"

I slept outside for the night.

898 words!


Thanks for reading this. If you haven't already go read my Kiawe x Ash book if you want! I really like it and they kissed! :)

Just a compliment. Ash x Gladion (trustedpartnershipping)Where stories live. Discover now