Part 3 - Meadows

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We sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Come with me!" He said. Pikachu and Umbreon followed him immediately where as I sat for a few extra moments.
I followed him and he brought me to this little meadow.
"Here we are, Melemele Meadow. I love this place," He said. I looked around and, it was amazing. I wouldn't ever admit it though. The air was fresh and there was a fresh breeze.
"Fair enough,"

I walked around and sat down. The ground was slightly soft but not squelchy. It wasn't wet and wasn't messy. He sat next to me and payed down. I just closed my eyes. Umbreon and Pikachu were just running around. After around five minutes he placed something on my head.
"What the?" I asked.
"Take it off and look at it," He said.

I took it off and saw that it was a... flower crown? Why did he make this? And why is it so well crafted?
"Why did you make this?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Why not?" He said.
"Fair enough," I said. I placed it back on my head and stood up. I walked over to a tree and sat against it. I closed my eyes and nearly dozed off. Before I did he walked over and set next to me. The thing is, he laid down and placed his head in my lap. When he did though, I knocked out.

When I woke up the sun was going down slightly. Ash had fallen asleep and his head was still in my lap. I decided to feel how soft his hair was. I don't know why though. I ran my fingers through his hair. It was extremely soft. After a few minutes of running my fingers through his hair, he groaned slightly.
"Fuck," I muttered, thinking I woke him. He didn't wake up after a few minutes so I looked over to where the sun was setting and admired it. Ash did wake up after another ten minutes though.

"Hey Gladion," He muttered. I pulled my hands out of his hair, "Is my hair seriously that soft?"
"Oh- umm yeah," I said. He sat up and sat next to me. He was still a bit too close, but at this point I'm used to it. I like watching the sun set. It's always calming an-
"Oh you're still wearing that flower crown," Ash said.
"Mhm," I hadn't even remembered about that.
"I'm gonna pitch up my tent. I have a spare sleeping bag if you want to sleep out here,"
"Oh sure!" He said. "I can help if you want,"
"Sure, why not?" We started to pitch up the tent. I rolled out the sleeping bags and sat where I was previously sitting. Ash came over and sat next to me. I pulled out some snacks that I had in my backpack and placed them in front of us. We ate it in a few minutes.

"That was surprisingly good," I muttered.
"Oh, I usually get food I'm not the biggest fan by accident,"

We sat in silence for a few minutes, the air getting a bit colder as the sun settled.
I wonder why he has been so... touchy? today. Is that the word? Well, I don't really care. I haven't been this close to a human being for so long. It's actually kind of nice.
He rested his head in my shoulder and closed his eyes. He fell asleep quickly. I randomly placed my arm around his shoulder and closed my eyes.
What is wrong with me? Why am I being this touchy and ok with this? Am I just deprived of affection that much that I rely on one of my friends to fill my hug need?
"Right, it's time to go to sleep now," I muttered. I laid Ash down on the ground and opened up the tent. I picked him up and placed him in his sleeping bag. I then placed our Pokemon inside the tent and zipped it up. I got into my sleeping bag and fell asleep.

My dream was weird. It had a faceless figure caring for me. I felt so ill and helpless. I would try to crack a joke every once in a while and their laugh was so cute and cheerful. I wanted to hug them but felt so immobilised.

I woke up next to Ash. It seems like one of us had gotten closer to the other one in our sleep. His sleeping bag was slightly unzipped and he was on his side. A light was coming from in front of him.
"Morning Ash," I managed to say. I couldn't remember that dream except for the faceless figures body shape. It was like a male teenagers body shape.

"What's wrong? Your voice sounds so.. bleck,"
"W..what do you mean by bleck?"
"Like.... ill,"
"Fair, I feel terrible,"
"Well, should I take you home?" He asked.
"I- sure, but I can walk still,"
"Right," He said. "You stay here and get some sleep, I will go and buy stuff to make some food,"
"Mkay," I muttered. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. I was back in that dream. This time I could some what recognise the room. It was my room at the estate. I had been given one recently as I had no proper place to stay and Lillie wanted me to visit home more. The figure was still faceless.

"Hey Gladion, you good?" Ash asked.
"Hey Ash, I'm alright,"
"You sure? You look even more pale then usual,"
"Excu- never mind," I said. I tried to punch him but was too weak.
"I'm gonna make some food. You want to get outside or stay in here?"
"I'll try make my way outside," I said. I got on my knees and shuffled out. I eventually got out and sat down. I just wanted to curl up and die.
"Hey Gladion," He said. He had started a mini fire and placed a mini metal tray above it. It had four legs to support it.

He eventually placed the food down in front of me.
"Oh, this looks soo good," I muttered. I looked at him and he was slightly blushing. I dug into the eggs and bacon and it tasted amazing. I devoured it.
"Thank you so much," I said.
"No problem,"

He finished his meal whilst a just laid down and closed my eyes. He packed up everything and put it into my backpack. He didn't put the cooking stuff into a bag though, he just carried it.
"Hey, take some money from my bag and buy something to help carry that stuff," I mumbled. "Oh actually I will carry some of it,"
"No I will carry it, don't worry. We have to get you home first,"

After a few minutes of Ash texting he eventually said something.
"Hey, lets get you home. The meadow is close to yours," He said. "So it shouldn't be to hard,"
"Right," I said. My legs weren't jello anymore so I could stand up, only slightly but still.
"Well done!" He said. I sling my backpack on my back and started the trench home. He would be walking right beside me and whenever I would fall slightly he would catch me.

"Finally," I muttered.
"Did ya really hate my company that much? Cos if you did I'm staying for the day to help you!"
"Oh no it's no- wait what?"
"Yeah Lillie is busy today, I asked her to leave the key somewhere. Now to look for it," He said.

We found the key and I walked to me room. I placed my backpack on the floor and flopped on the bed. A few minutes later Ash came in.
"Hey, do you want to go to sleep or?"
"Can you put the covers over me please,"
"Sure," He said. He walked over and lifted me up slightly. He covered me in them and tucked me in. I haven't been tucked in for 10 years. I miss it.
"Thanks, I think I'm gonna try to go sleep now,"
"Ok! Sleep well!" He said. He smiled at me and closed the door. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

1381 Words

Just a compliment. Ash x Gladion (trustedpartnershipping)Where stories live. Discover now