Part 5 - time with lillie!

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"This is really good!" I said.
"Y-you think so?" He questioned.
"Uhhh, yeah?"
That was awkward.

He left later that day.
I got a message from someone.

Hey Gladion

What's wrong?

Sorry but I have to leave for Kanto tonight. I will be back in a week. I think I have to go to Galar as well.

Oh ok, see ya!


Oh. Well then. Looks like he can't care for- I mean battle me for a week. I looked at the time.
Eight thirty seven.
"Ugh," I grumbled.
I got up and walked downstairs. I hate being in one place for a long time.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I mentally switched off.
"Gladion?" Lillie asked.
"What's up?"
"Hey... uh did Ash text you about him leaving?"
"Yeah, it's weird for him to just find out, isn't it?"
"Yeah it is,"

Lillie walked over and sat next to me. We are family. But the thing is, I had ignored her for so many years. All these years that she was on Melemele Island and I never bothered to see her. I'm not such a bad brother. At least I'm making an effort now.
"How are you doing Brother?" She asked. She is too polite.
"I'm alright. Much better then earlier. When did we get more turkey?"
"Oh, I got it yesterday when you were with Ash," She said.
"Okay," I said.

"Right. I'm going to bed now. Hopefully I won't be ill tomorrow," I said. She said a quick night and gave me a slight smile. I walked up to my room and grabbed my phone. I opened up the bookings for Mallows restaurant and booked a table for two.

The next morning came and I felt much better. I walked downstairs and got a bowl of cereal. I took it to the front room and sat down. Lillie came in and sat next to me.
"Yes brother?"
"Wanna go to Mallows restaurant today for dinner?"
"Sure," she said.

I had a nice day just lounging around. I was fatigued the whole day though.
"What time is it?" I grumbled. I picked up my phone and checked the time.
"Fuck," I said. I sat up and rushed over to my closet. I wanted to look some what presentable.

I dug into my closet and found a pair of black jeans that were slightly ripped and tight. I found a shirt and a slightly ripped hoodie. The hoodie was tight.

I used to have body image issues. I was average weight when I was younger. I decided to stop eating as much. I didn't have time to go looking for food or buy so much. I barely had any money and got very little from the trainers I would beat. This lead to me getting skinnier and getting clothes that would hide this skinnyness. I started to get tighter clothes but forgot to wear them.

I threw these clothes on and rushed downstairs.
"Sorry I'm late Lills,"
"No problem!" She said. We walked to the restaurant and had a nice chat. It was the first time that I actually liked my conversation with Lillie. It's not that I don't like the conversation, but it's more like I don't like what I input.

"We are here!" I said. I walked in.
"Hey Gladion! The table you requested is over there!" Mallow said. She pointed to a table in the corner of the room. "Oh hey Lillie!"
"Hi Mallow!" Lillie said back.

We walked over to the chair.
"So... you booked a table?" Lillie asked.
"Yeah," I grumbled. "It's been so long since we have actually had a nice meal together I decided to book a seat,"
"I- I- thanks Gladion!" She exclaimed. She smiled with such genuineness that I could help but give a slight smile, before dropping it.

Mallow came over and asked us for our orders. I ordered some ramen and Lillie asked for the special.
"So, how are you today?" I asked.
"I'm great thanks! It's been kinda weird without Ash though," Lillie said.
"Yeah. I still can't believe he just found out," I replied.

It really was weird that he just found out. A two week break and one of those is in a place he has never been to? I highly doubt it. But then again, he is too innocent for him to lie about it. Then again it may be easy to lie about over text.

"Gladion? You there?" Lillie asked.
"Huh? Oh sorry,"
"You just zoned out. What are you thinking about?"
"About how weird it is," I mumbled. "Anyways, what are you guys doing at school?"
"Oh! We are doing a project on fire Pokemon. I know Kiawe will be pumped for that," Lillie said.

Did Lillie just say 'pumped'?

"Oh cool. Are you going to pick one about the Kanto Vulpix?" I asked.
"I- I didn't know you knew about regional variants," Lillie said.
"I am so offended!" I said, putting a hand over my heart dramatically. "As if I! Son of Lusamine Aether wouldn't know about regional variants."

Lillie giggles. "I didn't know you could be so dramatic!" She said.
"You learn something new everyday huh?" I simply said.

Mallow came over with our meals.
"Enjoy you two!" Mallow said.
"Thanks Mallow!" Lillie exclaimed.
"Thanks," I said.

We ate in silence.
"Right. I'm gonna go pay now Lillie," I said. I stood up and found Mallow.
"Hey, how much do I owe?"
"₽1000 please!"
"Okay, here you go," I said. I handed her the money and some extra money. I walked away from her before she could give it back.
"Let's go Lillie," I said, giving her a slight smile.
She stood up and left some money on the table. We left.



Half of this was written before my break so I got a terrible plot lol. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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