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The feeling of the wind hitting his suit made Tony Stark feel free. Ever since his kidnapping, Tony had ensure that he would be the best version of himself. He would often visit the orphanage that are closer to him, as well as donating millions of dollars to wide range charities.

Along this new journey he took upon himself the deep thought of his soulmate plague his desires. The first thing he ever did in the mornings now was search for any signs of his other half. However, that proved to be a challenge as he did not know whether he would feel a connection or not through a screen.

after constant nagging from his cousin and his bodyguard did Tony finally give in to a break from his continues search. That is why he currently is flying around New York City finishing up his brand new project.

The grin that decored his face grew in size the more he flew around the skyscrapers and clouds. The weight of his chest feels long forgotten with a new wave of joy coursing through his veins.

while Tony Stark enjoyed the wind, Pepper Potts had a much more different distraction back in the new Stark Tower. Every since that heated meeting between Her and Nate they both decide to continued see each other. They went to various dates- wanting to have a semi normal start to their intimate  relationship- Nate even met Pepper's parents at one point. The odd thing is the constant shut down that Pepper gets when she asks about Nate's family. It was as if he didn't have any family at all- no parents, no cousins, no grandparents, and no siblings

"Stark tower is about to become a beacon of self sustaining cleaning energy"

"well I am assuming the arc reactor takes over and it actually works". Pepper teased her boss and family. While her hands were tying a small not around the white cloth that was covering her neck and all the purpleish and reddish bruises that were left by Nate the night prior to her arrival in the airport of New York. 

" I assume," the golden and red iron man suit maneuvered around the tall buildings of the city "Light her up!" 

"How does it look, Tony?" Pepper asked, her voice filled with the softness and extusiaism that was often present when her cousin accomplished something that did not get him into trouble. 

Tony was admiring his creation. This was what he always dreamed of but always forgotten the next morning he would wake up. No weapons, just simply energy. His heart clenched knowing that if his father ever truly loved him, he would be one hundred percent proud of what he has created and builded. He cannot wait the day when his (none existent) heart will be filled with euphoria.

 "Like Christmas but... with more me" He remarked, while his suit was being taken off by his robotics assistant with every step he took down the staircase of the side of the new STARK Tower.

"gotta go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to some press-" Tony's groan made Pepper cut her sentence short, afterall he was having a moment at the current moment, which did not include a boring talk of the media and legal regards "Pepper. enjoy the moment. Don't kill it remember?"

His glass of champagne was quickly drowned by him in one sip, turning to look at Pepper who was far too busy responding a text message from Nate to pay any attention to her handful of a cousin. "So, how is Nate? haven't seen him in a while."

Pepper placed her phone down, her eyes landed to the man that was leaning against the sofa rather than actually sitting down on it as any normal person would, "work has kept him busy lately."

before Tony could continue with the chat the normal robotic voice of his AI interrupted him,

"Sir, Agent Coulson from SHIELD is on the line"

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