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The clicking of heels alerted the passing agents of a new presence. Their mouths agape in astonishment when the retired agent 4 walked passed them as if he never left. His eyes stared straight forwards never letting his head down in front of the scumbags that five years ago twisted his mind even more with their abuse and manipulation. While the men were glaring at the back of his neck, the women were lusting over his body.

His black turtleneck sweater, combine with a leather black jacket and black jeans was enough to make them go wild in their imagination. Nate knew this affect.

and he fucking loves it.

He loved the way they would envied him, and the way how so easily they could bend on their knees just for him. The same way that they would force him submit, they were now being the submitted ones.

Fortunately, after meeting Pepper Potts he had enough loyalty within him to not engage in physical affairs. He used to have them almost daily, maybe once or twice a day, but now if it wasn't necessary for his personal missions he doesn't permit himself to look at any other woman the  same way he looks at Pepper. 

Arriving at the elevator of the principal floor permitted him to bath himself in all the wanted attention. However, his blissed got cut short when the doors revealed the one person that made him frown and twist all in one second, his dear sister 

Eve Park.

or as he would often refer her to as the loyal bitch.

"I didn't think, you would show up" her voice held no hints of hatred, nor fondness. it was just plain, dull. Her eyes held eye contact with his for an eternity; which in reality was only for a few minutes.

"Contrary to your believe, I fully thought you would be here, dear sister," he took semi long strides standing besides his sister in the elevator two feet between, in order to create an invisible barrier. Both of their eyes were looking straight into the automatic doors of the elevator. Nate, and Eve held polar opposites expressions.  While Eve had her lips in a straight line, and her eyebrows slightly furrowed creating small wrinkles above her eye brows, her posture and attire made it clear that she was serious about her etics. Nate, in the other hand, showed his lack of interest by having loose posture, with his hands in his pockets while in his face a wide grin full of mischief was present and her eyelids were dropping half way his eyes. "afterall, you always follow orders with your tail between your legs."

His words had the full intent of obtaining a reaction  out of the stoic woman, but nothing occurred. Or at least that what it seems like to the outer eye, but for Nate he noticed how much it bother her by the way her nails stabbed inside her palm. He proclaimed his victory by leaning back more, making his back straighter and his head being held higher. "But don't worry, sis, I know fully well that dear old Nick appreciates the effort."

That was a lie, and both of them knew so. 

"I don't really care about the words of a backstabbing wannabe spy."  Before Nate could defend his name, the elevator made a beeping sound indicating them about a stop. The metal doors slowly opened revealing another female worker, that for her bad luck would be stuck between them.

Noticing the tension between the siblings, the worker wasn't so sure if it was even a good idea of getting up today. With a nod of greetings her legs move her in between the siblings. As soon as both of the doors closed, the temperature within the four walls was dropping faster than HYBE's economy after the BTS' Hiatus announcement. The woman pulled the collar of her shirt slowly in order to get more oxygen.

She could feel the piercing glare that both of the siblings held, one frowning while the other one had a creepy smug expression. With every floor that the elevator counted down, the more pressure she gained. Her shoulder felt heavy for no reason, the air was becoming humid with every second.


Her breaths started to become heavy.


The palms of her hands were sweating at a rapid rate.


Her eyes were dropping, her body swung around her body almost dropping into the floor. When the woman almost give in to the darkness, a small beeping sound indicating that they arrived to their floor was able to give her back the ability to breath once again. Taking long breaths while her hand holded the railing within the elevator, her appearance was a mess. Her hair was sticking out everywhere and her body was filled of sweat.

While the woman was a messed, the brother and sister duo stepped out of the elevator they took separate ways as if nothing had happened.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Eve was fuming. 

She couldn't believe that after so many years, the first interaction she had with her brother was so defensive. Not only that but he also brought up something that was significant and touchy.

Nick Fury's approval,

It was no secret that after he saved them, Eve developed a self debt towards Fury. She believed that in order to repay him, she had to be loyal to him as a repayment and as soon as she had his approval could she finally rest.

And Nick Fury knows that very well.

In Eve's eyes her brother was being ungrateful about his current freedom status. At one point her brother was even more loyal than her, but after an undercover mission in their mother land, did Nate took a sudden turn about his way of thinking. This sudden change lead them into their last encounter before the years that had past, where they did not end in good terms. Nate referring her as a blinded bitch and Eve referring him into a Backstabbing asshole.

Eve was so deep in her rage that she did not notice someone taking a turn in the corner that she was passing by.

The force of their body threw Eve off guard, causing her to step wrong in the floor and slipp. Before she could hit the hard floor a pair of arms caught her mid way. The persons hands were wrapped around her waist, while her hands held on to their shoulder, with her wide eyes open.

Brown eyes met light baby blue ones

"Are you okay, Ma'm?"

"Are you okay, Ma'm?"

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also, for rr (Re readers) what do you guys think of the change?

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