Chapter 6: badaba

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"Presenting your host and his family, Klaus Michelson, Hayley Michelson, Marcellus, and Elijah Michelson" when they stepped out from the balcony the first person I looked at was Haley and I knew, I just knew that had to be my mother, I had her eyes, her lips, and her hair. Then I looked to the man beside her, my father Klaus was searching through the crowd as if he was expecting somebody maybe an enemy. Could they really have known that i was coming. I took Caroline's arm and whispered to her knowing that one of them would listen in "Of course, Rebecca came here instead of going on her trip to see mat, she lied to me" I didn't mean to but I got angry, then I got weak I felt something fall over me that feeling again of a witch nearby except this feeling didn't feel safe, and it felt strong but too strong, then people in the crowd started to fall to the ground not dead but fainted, someone was casting a spell. I summoned a counter spell, but the aching in my head that it created was gruesome. Caroline collapsed I didn't know what to do. The only person that was left standing was me and the man who had cast the spell "I am Badaba the leader of my coven" I can't believe what i was about to say
"So your a witch, your the one that I was getting that bad vibe from" it wasn't just Badaba that was surprised but the Michelson's were too, Badaba he looked me up and down probably expecting me to be down
"No I'm not a witch you little pest I'm a warlock and you should be down like the others how did you counteract my spell" I got lightheaded and kneeled on the ground but I was sitting up and still awake
"I really don't know, witch instinct I guess" my father, I mean klause interrupted
"We know who you are Badaba and we know of your coven, what do you want"
"You and your families head on a silver splatter" Hayley swooped up and was only centimeters away from him
"Take your first hit" the freaky warlock guy had a smirk on his face
"I did not come to fight, not yet" he woodshed or threw Hayley against the wall
"I just came to deliver a warning from my mistress" Elijah had an angry look on his face and spoke
"Who is your mistress" again mr warlock dude had a smirk on his face
"That doesn't matter not yet at least, my mistress says to watch where you go because she will be watching she wouldn't want you to slip up, not now, not when your so close to delivering to her what she wants"

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