Chapter 10

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Ive spent 2 nights at the Michelson's with Luke since the masquerade ball and I felt really bad about leaving Caroline alone so I went back to the apartment where she insists are staying she refuses to stay in the same building as Klaus it's actually quite hilarious. I got to the door and but I see that it the handle has been broken. "Caroline" I stupidly scream running into the apartment its trashed I see a man holding her down "Celeste don't, run get out of here" I couldn't leave her but I said ok but right when I got out the door someone grabbed me they must have know about either my werewolf or vampire side because they broke my neck. I woke up in a cave it smelt very badly probably from the mold. My neck hurt, my eyes are blurry but slowly coming into the clearing and then I see the jerk warlock from ball "Badaba of course its you, you don't give up do you, what's the matter couldn't stand that it only took a 20 year old witch to counteract your spell" he slapped me it hurt I was angry, oh no I have to keep my anger in or else my hybrid side will come out. "Breath hope, breath, no wait Celeste oops" I thought to myself. Then he took me by the throat
"Who are you, what are you and how did you counteract my spell" I admit for a witch he was pretty Intimidating
"First of all screw you and second, my name is celeste the E is silent so that has it spelled as C-E-L-E-S-T with a silent E. I'm a witch and I'm sure you've heard of witch line/coven of Bennett's, yes of course you have. Well my teacher is Bonny Bennett, the last witch in the Bennett line" I felt smart and proud in a funny way
"Ugh, those Bennett's, all evil covens despise them but not as much as I do, I suppose I'll keep you here and if you try to warn anyone, your sister Caroline has been compelled to forget the attack but also to get herself bitten by a werewolf which will no doubt kill her" I yelled I practically cussed him out in Latin which Is pretty much what spells are made of and interpreted from Latin, I was very proud sort of, they put me in a cell, I hate cells. One time Stefan, the guy I told you about had to put me in one. I was only 4, I couldn't control the bloodlust its was the worst thing any 4 year old could have ever encountered vampire or not.

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