Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Blondie
I have to tell Klaus the truth about hope I mean it's me, trusty obnoxious Caroline Forbes he won't kill me. No I'll just tell him what happened yesterday that witch compulsion never works on me. Alright I'm heading there now. Ugh my thoughts are out of control with Klaus in them. Thinking of how sharp he look in that suit last night, no Caroline stop it, Im talking to myself, ok I'm here pleas don't kill me "Klaus, it's Celeste, Badaba took her and is holder her captive" where is he ugh he loves to pop right behind me or spook me that's just what he does
"Klaus" I yelled annoyingly
"Klaus Michelson" I heard him coming
"You don't need to yell love I'm right here, now wha-" He stopped and looked at me concerned
"What's the matter" I didn't answer I wanted to tell him about hope but I couldn't
"Caroline what's happened" I took a big gulp and started to sob
"they took her Klaus and took her away" I ran into his arm, he was surprised I don't blame him j was putting on one heck of a show
"who, who took..." I interrupted "Celeste, badaba or whatever that warlock guys name is, he took her" Luke walked in.
"What, I swear if they touch her I'll".
"Luke calm down" it was Luke, his eyes, he looked as if he was about to dagger whoever pissed him off next.
"Calm yourself Luke we'll get your little girlfriend back" I saw him turn a little red.
"she's not my girlfriend" klaus cut him off.
"But I am your guardian like father so while we get Celeste you will hold down the fortress here, ok" I could tell that he had a thing for her so he nodded.
"fine" Elijah and marcel walked in.
"Elijah, Marcel you will be the second distraction while I get Celeste".
"Wait what, what's going on, what's happened." Klause looked irritated
"It's badaba he's taken Caroline's sister, Celeste".
he sounded as if he knew that Celeste was hope, I had to pray and ask what I was going to do.
"Hey wait what about me" I knew it, I knew what he was going to say. "you will be the first distraction gorgeous" i rolled my eyes I hate it when he calls me that, he put as a handsome smirk on his face.
"What you don't remember that sexy distraction that you pulled of trying to kill me in Mystic Falls" we both smiled.
"I guess so, I mean I have to repay you for trying to kill you all those thousands of times".
"Thank you gorgeous" I interrupted.
"Let's not make this awkward" I saw Haley behind me.
"Excuse me Klaus but what about me, I mean I am your wife" I said. not to make it awkward but it already was, Klaus took one big breath. "Hayley, my little wolf will stay here with Luke and make sure that Luke doesn't get any ideas and ends up killing himself because he wants to be be heroic." Hayley felt like the babysitter.
"But Klaus I know where badaba took her" look yelled as they were walking away.
"How" Klaus swished back to Luke and was staring right at his face.
"I never told you this but Badaba is... my uncle in law, he used to beat me and hurt me and make me use my powers to win himself money, but then he sold me. I ended up escaping before the buyer could collect me. I was on my own for a year until you saved me, but I know where he took her." Klaus had an impossible tear in his eyes.
"The orphanage".

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