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The clouds rolled in faster than a herd of turtles, putting an even bigger damper on the day. She had been the busiest she had ever been in the last three months, opening a book store cafe in the heart of town. How the locals functioned without one she had no idea. Boxes covered the old wooden floors that were milled to perfection. The large black book cases and vintage shelves were something to be envied. The windows that ran from floor to ceiling on three sides of the building let the light in, casting beams of sunshine on old covers of novels. Romance intertwined between pages. Drumming up dreams and hope. 

She unpacked the last of the boxes for the day with the help of a new friend. She finished up sweeping up the dust of the day before locking up. Her white Jetta parked in a space directly in front of the store front. She got in, turning the key to start the engine. A brown leather duffel in her front seat. She ran a manicured hand through her hair, loose curls of chocolate brown and blonde falling around her shoulders. She glanced at herself in the mirror of the visor, applying the honey flavored chap stick she couldn't live without. Making sure that there weren't any vehicles coming, she slowly pulled out on to Main Street. Not even a minute down the road her phone rang. 

"Hello?" She sighed as she hit the blue tooth button on her steering wheel. 

"You're on your way, right? Please tell me you are on your way." The familiar voice rang out through her car. 

"Yes, take a breath. I am on my way." 

"That will get you in town around what time?" The person on the other line asked, sounding like they were trying not to panic. 

"I will be there around midnight tonight." She put her directional on, turning to the left along the  stretch of restaurants and boutiques. The rain beginning to pick up. Headlights illuminating the wet road in front of her. 

"Thanks, Hails. I owe you my life." 

"Just promise me you'll have open bar at this shindig and we will be even." Hailey laughed, secretly praying it was true. 

"Matt would not have it any other way." The female voice on the other line stated. "Safe travels, love you." 

"Love you too Tay." Hailey hit the button to hang up as she pulled in to a little coffee shop on the way out of town. By the grace of God it was still open for another hour. She parked along the side of the building, cutting the engine. She was going need all the sweet vanilla nectar she could get for the long ride back to Georgia. 

Her white Jetta pulled in to the gravel drive, going slowly over a few bumps along the way. The porch light was on, peaking through the trees surrounding the house. Hailey came to a complete stop right before the cobble stone side walk began. She cut the engine, thanking the good Lord that she had finally made it. She looked down at the neon clock on the dash. Midnight exactly. She reached for her brown leather duffel bag on the front seat and headed inside. She opened the front door as quietly as she possibly could, so as not to wake anyone. As she turned off the front porch light and locked the door beside her, there were footsteps coming from the living room. Hailey nearly jumped out of her own skin, placing her hand to her heart to stop it from beating out of her chest. 

"I'm sorry baby girl. I didn't mean to give you a fright." 

"It's okay." Hailey chuckled, turning to give her mother a giant bear hug. She engulfed her in her arms, squeezing as tight as she could. 

"How was the trip? Can I fix you something to eat?" Her mama asked, running her eyes up and down her daughters body in disapproval. "Have you lost weight?" 

"Mama, I am fine. I would juts like some sleep." Hailey shook her head. Her mother nodded in acknowledgement, smiling at her. Hailey gave her one last hug before heading up the stairs to the guest bedroom. She flicked on the light, closing the door behind her. The brown leather duffel bag falling to her feet. She stripped herself of the day and put on a pair of navy blue shorts and a white tank top that hugged her body. She turned the light back off as she crawled in to the queen size bed, letting the covers drape over her. She closed her light blue eyes, willing herself to fall asleep as her mind started racing a mile a minute. 

The front light was on in the house just down the road. Both trucks in the driveway. Shadows danced along the porch as two people were watching the road from the rocking chairs on either side of the front door. 

She turned on her side, staring out the window at the moon that hung high above the clouds. Tomorrow was another day. 

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