c h a p t e r t h r e e

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Once back in their dorm, where. Pansy was unpacking the last of her clothes and and Hermione was reading ' Houses Most Famous: Slytherin Edition ' ( she still did like to get her head stuck in a book from time to time even though she was in Slytherin ) Hermione made the quick decision to interrogate get friend about her reaction when she bumped into Harry as it wasn't like Pansy to get all nervous.

"So... Let's get straight to the point, why where you acting like that when we bumped into Potter?"

Hermione asked, Pansy may have been able to fool Draco but nothing got past Hermione unnoticed.

"I- it was nothing I was just... Embarrassed...?"

Pansy said every word she spoke sounded unsure.

" Embarrassed about what, look pansy I know when you are lying and that is now"

Hermione said placing the book down on the bed and sitting up.

"Well-... It's just I-I...."

"Come on spit it out"

Hermione gave her friend the 'stop delaying I want answers' look she does.

" I have a crush on Potter!-"

She blurted out suddenly feeling slightly more relaxed that she didn't have to keep it from everyone.

"Oh, I mean... I won't stop you, I guess if you like him and he likes you back then... I guess what I'm trying to say is tell him how you feel and I don't hate you for having a crush on our mortal enemy "

Hermione grinned hugging Pansy tightly.

"Oh... Wow I didn't expect you to react so well "

Pansy blushed sitting on the bed and staring at the ceiling.


Pansy sat up in bed quietly, Theo had come round later that evening so she put a silencing sound around her bed and a spell that blocked the view so she didn't have to see or hear what was possibly happening in the bed next to her.

She may be best friend with Hermione but she didn't need to know everything about her romance life.

Now they where both asleep under the covers Pansy decided it would be the perfect time to slip out and go to the lake where hopefully Harry would be.

He was normally there from 1 in the morning to 2... It wasn't as if she stalked him she just happened to be awake at that time to and saw him on multiple occasions sneaking out.

She made her way out of the Slytherin dungeons and out down to the lake where down sitting by the edge right where she expected was Harry Potter.

" H-Hi... "

She blushed nervously, the feeling of a thousand butterflies in her stomach suddenly appeared like every time she was around Harry.

"What do you want?"

He replied throwing a stone into the lake not even looking at her.

" I- I just saw you here and wondered if you where ok and if you needed someone to ta-"

" You wondered if I'm ok?? Aren't we supposed to be mortal enemies or something?"

Harry turned around staring her in the eyes, it felt as if he was staring right through her and reading her thoughts.

"Well you know, they do say there is a fine line between love and hate "

Pansy giggled nervously realising how silly she sounded and looked down.

" What do you mean...? "

Harry questioned suddenly finding himself interested in what she had to say.

"I... Well what I'm trying to say is... I like you, like 'like' like you "

She said before turning a deep red.

" ... "

Harry sat their in silence contemplating what she just said before moving his hand and placing it gently under her chin, moving her face slowly up till she was looking at him.

" I like you to "

He said before leaning in and kissing her lightly on the lips.

Before she knew it they found themselves lying on the grass, her head resting on Harry chest, just enjoy each others company more than anything. It just felt right.


Im backkkk 😂, sorry I haven't written in a while I just needed a break because doing something like this and constantly worrying about what I'll do for my next chapter or something like that isn't always good for my mental health. Buttt I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Q: Favourite animal in Harry Potter?

A: Buckbeak I just think he is soo cool 😂

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