c h a p t e r t w o

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Draco, Pansy and Hermione all sat at the table eating breakfast. It almost looked like the Slytherin version of the golden trio.

It was a Sunday so they where in no rush, Hermione sat reading the daily prophet. ( Her personal favourite writer for it was Rita Skeeter, she loved every piece of dirt she could find on Harry) while Draco sat trying to figure out what had gone wrong in his potion.

"I simply don't understand I made it perfectly... I-I just... What to do think Pansy?"

She stared off distantly, luckily Draco and Hermione hadn't noticed she was staring directly at Harry.


Hermione waved a hand in front of her face trying desperately to bring her out of her trance.

"Huh... What?"

"I asked what could I have possibly done wrong in my potion.... Then you zoned out!"

Draco said in a frustrated tone.

"Huh oh.... Well I think you made it perfectly correctly-"

"What where you looking at anyway?"

Hermione asked suspicious, it wasn't like Pansy to zone out like she just did.

"Oh... Uhhhh I was... Looking at an owl that kept crashing onto a goblet over there"

She said quite proud of the excuse that she had come up with.


Hermione said suspiciously knowing her friend was hiding something.

"Heyyy beautiful"

Theo walked over to the group bending down and giving Hermione a kiss on the check.

"Hi Theo, we where just trying to figure out what went wrong in Draco's potion."

Hermione grinned whilst looking up at Theo.


Theo  whispered something in Hermione's ear causing her to giggle before kissing him.

"See you later then beautiful"

He said as he walked off again.

"What do you see in him?"

Draco questioned standing up ready to leave.

"Draco I'm allowed to date who I want you know"

Hermione grinned picking up her daily prophet and putting it into her robes.


Later that morning Pansy, Hermione and Draco where walking down the corridor when they came across the ' golden trio '

"Oh look it's potty!"

Draco sneered causing Hermione to giggle.

"What's your problem Draco, I seriously can't be bothered"

Harry said as he continued walking forward without realising he ran straight into Pansy knocking her off her feet.

"Hey! Watch where your going potty!"

Draco put his hand just beside his wand incase he needed to use it.

"Oh... I-it was my fault..."

Pansy said blushing trying to hide her face from her friends.

"No it was obviously pottys!"

Draco said pointing his finger at him as if he was accusing him of murder.

"Ughh, he is not worth your time !"

Hermione said whilst gathering some of Pansy's things for her.

"Uh.... You know I'm still here... Here"

Harry stuck out his hand for Pansy who gladly accepted it helping her up.

It was something about that girl he thought as he stared into her eyes awe struck.

"I-I uhhhh we better get going"

Pansy said taking her things from Hermione and brushing of her robes.


Hermione rolled her eyes and the three of them walked off in silence.

"What was that about anyway?"

Draco asked teasingly.

"No-nothing !"

Pansy replied suddenly flustered.

"Come on we could both see you blushing!"

Hermione grinned, the thought of her best friend having a crush on Potter, THE Harry Potter was somewhat amusing.

"I-I it's just..."

The three laughed as they made their way down the hallway to the Slytherin dungeons.


Finally another chapter on this, if I'm honest I wrote the first chapter with no clue on what my main plot was so I kinda left this for a bit while I finished Somewhere In Between which resulted in writers block 😂 so I ended up having to ask my friend for some help to get some ideas for this book. It worked well 😂... I have some great ideas for this now 😂

Q: Favourite common room?

A: I think I prefer the Gryffinfor ones because they are in the tower and I think that is really cool, but if the Slytherin ones where in a tower... That would be so cool 😂

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