c h a p t e r s e v e n

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Quickly Hermione realised what she was doing, unsure she pushed Draco back gently before running her hands through her hair in frustration at what had happened.

"Oh god... shit... I'm so sorry Draco, what have I just done!"

The thought that Theo was possible sitting only a few meters away in another room made Hermione feel sick about what had just happened.

" Hermione it's my fault, I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm so- "

Without letting him finishs his sentence Hermione stood up and ran out the room. What had she been thinking... Well actually the problem was she hadn't been thinking, as soon as Draco had kissed her she found herself kissing him back it was as if it was meant to be, perfect to be exact.

As Hermione made her way back to her dorm through the common room she thought she head theo calling her name, however she ignored it continuing to make her way to her dorm.


Later on while Hermione was reading a large book from the library about transfiguration she head a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

As hard as she tried to sound cheerful, she hadn't even convinced herself that she was fine.

As if on command Theo steps into the room scratching the back of his neck nervously. It was rare for Hermione to see Theo look nervous or worried, often he's the most cheerful person she knows.

" Hey, Hermione I was wondering if you where ok.. you seemed upset when I saw you earlier in the common room?"

" Yeh, i- I'm fine honestly"

Hermione put the book down and put on a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

The concern in Theo's voice made itself clear when he spoke again.

"Hermione, I- I can trust you right, if you ever needed to say- or ask me something you can be honest with me... I just- argghhh "

He sighed running his hand through his hair in frustration, Theo was barley lost for words and most of the time he presented himself as perfect, it wasn't often he was stressed.

" Hermione I need to know if I can trust you, because you seem to be avoiding me right now are yo- "

Hermione cut him of, her face shifted suddenly serious at what she was about to tell him.

I'm so sorry Theo...

Those where her last thought before she blurted it out.

"I- I kissed Draco "

"Wha- ?!... oh my god "

Theo stepped back suddenly, a wave of nasea hit him like a slap in his face, surely Hermione wouldn't do this, especially with his best friend. If that's what Theo would call him now.

" I- im so so sorry Theo i- I don't know what happened"

" I- I need to go"

Before Hermione could say another word Theo had already left the room and was half walking half running to his dorm, surly this had to he a mistake, a bad dream maybe a nightmare...


Sitting in the room alone Hermione felt the tears burning at the back of her eyes know.

As soon as she had told Theo the realization hit her that is was all real and it wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her... She really had kissed Draco and she liked it...


Anddd wow I'm back writing another chapter after disappearing for a while 🤦🏼😂

Also tysm for all the reads on somewhere in between it makes me so happy that so many of you are reading and enjoying my other book!! 💕

Question: do you enjoy reading books?

Answer: yes I absolutely love reading book a lot of the time!!

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