Honey, I'm Home!

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Inspired by this tiktok that I'm obsessed with (I'll also leave the link in the comments): https://vm.tiktok.com/JbXXhqm/

girlxgirl - 2020

Is very safe for work!


Naomi had fucked up.

Her entire life, Naomi had been told that she never knew when to quit. She didn't know when enough was enough and she should just give up. Call it quits.

While Naomi often liked to think of that as a great strength of hers. In fact, when she was sixteen years old she successfully lobbied against her asshole of a Principal for enforcing that girls couldn't sign up for shop class.

She had been successful in her endeavour, and the following year the class was predominantly made up of girls.

Unfortunately, Naomi proved to be pretty damn terrible at it. To this day, her pinky finger is half the length it should be. And while no one would notice if she didn't draw attention to it, Naomi viewed it as a funny anecdote to tell at parties.

Point being, Naomi never gave up.

And that's how she ended up here. Hiding behind the doorway of someone's house, keeping an ear out for the loud engine of Mitchell Flemming's pickup truck.

It was lucky that the house had been unlocked. Naomi had been running (or sprinting, more like it) for the best part of five minutes before she saw the house and decided to try her luck. In her defence, she did knock. Briefly.

But Flemming's truck was fast approaching and she didn't have a lot of options. So, she had just gone straight inside.

Sure, Naomi could start shit - but she also knew when it was stupid to stick around to see the fallout.

Naomi had lived in Port Ria her entire life. It was a large coastal town on the West Coast, known for its festivals in the summer and it's downright extravagant parades. Really, Naomi loves her hometown. Loves (most) of the people here, the sense of community spirit.

She runs a bar downtown and knows most people in the area as a result. Which, unfortunately, included Mitchell Flemming.

Who was currently driving around with a broken windshield after Naomi had taken a baseball bat to it.

In her defence, he had made Naomi's (secret favorite) employee uncomfortable throughout her entire shift. Ellie was a sweetheart, through and through. Working at Moonlit Lady while saving up for college, Ellie happily took as many shifts as Naomi could give her. She had a strong work ethic, a hell of a sense of humor and, unfortunately, an inability to call assholes out for their behaviour.

Which is where Naomi came in.

She had a bat stashed in the bar, reserved especially for assholes that wouldn't take no for an answer. Naomi knew that she struck a contradictory figure. She was five foot one (and the one was being wishful) with long brown hair that she usually wore back in a bow. Her wardrobe tended to consist of long skirts, pastel colored tops and colorful sneakers.

Really, Naomi looked as sweet as could be.

But she also just thrashed a guy's truck for smacking Ellie's ass - and it certainly wasn't the first time she had done something like that.

It likely wasn't going to be the last, either.

Her trusty bat (signed by all of the employees of Moonlit Lady, and some of her favorite patrons) clutched tightly by her side, Naomi listened out for the truck - her heart pounding in her chest. Out of everything she expected Mitchell to do, climbing into his truck and chasing her down the street hadn't been on her list.

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