Carnival Games

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Requested - 2020


The request:
Two Childhood friends who love each other for years but are in denial of their feelings and keep pretending to be straight until one of them actually really gets a girlfriend and got jealous then get together. - boo_freaking_hoo


Travis Johnson is never going on vacation again.

There are a hell of a lot of reasons for that. From food poisoning, to heatstroke and getting locked out of their hotel room so many times that the receptionist eventually threatened to have them evicted from the premises - the entire week had been a shit show.

But it was spring break, and Travis was going to die if another year went by without him doing something crazy for it.

So when his college friends decided to chip in together to spend the weekend in Mexico, who the hell was he to say no?

He should have dipped out the moment he found out that his best friend since the dawn of time, Carter Dayton, wasn't planning on going.

Travis had talked until he was blue in the face trying to convince Carter to go. Hell, he had ever made up a damn powerpoint presentation to try and convince him.

But Carter had already decided. His rationale being that if he wants to move out of state at the end of the year, he's going to have to seriously save up.

And while Travis would have loved to pay the way for him, he barely scraped together enough cash to go himself. But Carter had assured him that it was fine, to go and have fun and they'd do Spring Break together another year.

Travis should have stayed. Then maybe none of this would have happened.

He's sitting across from Carter in their go-to hang out spot, the patch of greenery in front of the Arts building of USC. They've spent countless hours just lying out there on the grass, shooting the shit. Missing a few lectures as a result, but hanging out with Carter is always worth it.

Big words for someone that lives in the same house as Carter, but whatever.

Travis is more than a little bit in love with him, any and all of his clingy actions could be blamed on that.

Travis and Carter have been best friends since they were three years old. How they met is a story that their families love to recount after getting a little too drunk at Christmas or Thanksgiving.

They both went to the same nursery, and one day Travis's Dad picked his kid up to bring him home.

It took him a solid hour to realise that he brought the wrong kid home.

Carter's parents were beside themselves with worry, while Travis had just sat there in the sandpit without a damn care in the world.

The mixup was soon ironed out, and now it serves as a nice little anecdote about Travis' dad being a useless sack of shit again. But he digresses, at least he got a best friend out of it.

And in the words of Carter's parents, they gained another kid that day.

Carter's mom and dad were the sweetest folks in the whole of South Carolina. They welcomed him into their family with open arms. Hell, when Travis was a little shit stirrer in school (an argument could be made that he still is one now), he often went to the Dayton house with his bloodied nose rather than his own.

Travis isn't exactly close to his family. His Mom is quiet, detached. And his Dad, when he's around, couldn't give a shit. Which is fine by Travis, because after college? He is out of here.

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