Stormy Skies

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Requested - 2020


Sex at the end

The request:
Best friends from birth you could say Luke and Sky do everything together go to the same college stuff like that... Sky is madly in love with Luke he even calls him beast in the hope that one day he will ravish him. From the age of 16 they have been sleeping together. For Sky it's a dream come true, but Luke only wants fun. At the age of 21 Sky has had enough so tells Luke he has a choice its either him or the numerous amount of men and women he's been sleeping with breaking poor Sky's heart not paying much attention Luke laughs and continues flirting with someone he's sat next to. Sky could leave that day so then there could be a 2 years later when Luke finally finds him.- Hbol15


Stormy blue eyes cast their way across the bar, trying to catch sight of one person in particular. The bar was packed, as was to be expected on a Thursday night in a college town. Considering most of the younger students went back to their family homes after lectures on a Friday, Thursday nights were the go to for anything exciting. Even as exams draw to a close and the semester comes to an end, Thursday nights are just as busy.

And it just so happened that Luke's birthday falls on that day too.

Which is why Sky is (fruitlessly) trying his hardest to locate his best friend through the throngs of people, two rum and cokes in hand.

It's Luke's twenty first, which means he doesn't buy a drink the entire night.

Sure, Sky's pockets might hurt (his part time job at the university library only paid so much) - but it's worth it.

If he can actually find Luke, that is.

Squinting past the bright lights, Sky lifts himself up to his tiptoes for a better vantage point. His height doesn't normally bother him (Luke is just abnormally tall, Sky has always stood by that belief) but right now it's annoying as hell.

"Need some help?" Someone lightly taps him on the shoulder and Sky turns around to see a tall, attractive blond. He has a septum piercing, and looks like he strut out of the womb oozing confidence.

"Oh, no." Sky smiles politely, shaking his head. "I'm just trying to find my friend."

"That sounds like something I can help with," the stranger persists, a self assured smirk laden over his features - and Sky really doesn't like that. Confidence, he can appreciate. Cockiness? Not so much.

"Short of putting me on your shoulders, I don't think --"

The stranger's arms are suddenly around his waist and lifting. Sky lets out a (completely dignified) yelp, the rum and cokes sloshing over his hands.

"I didn't mean to actually do it!" he protests, and at the back of his mind he questions why he had been so against going to the gym with Luke. Surely that would have made it more difficult for this guy to just snatch him off the fucking floor.

"Hey!" An all too familiar voice makes itself known, and Sky sighs in relief. He's essentially draped over this stranger's shoulder, his drinks a lost cause.

"What do you think you're doing?" Luke questions, then averts his attention to his best friend. "Sky, you okay?"

"Just peachy!" Sky calls back when it's clear that not all is peachy.

"I'm guessing you're the friend," the asshole acknowledges dryly.

"That would be me. So are you going to let him go, or are we going to have a problem here?" Luke is using a tone of voice that Sky has heard time and time again.

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