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A Bryce Hall story
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯


She walked into the building, looking for the woman that they had sent to guide her through the studios.

Delilah finally found the woman, she was blonde and tall, unlike her, and looked like she was about thirty years old. She approached her.

"Hey I'm Delilah, here for the interview with Seventeen."

"Oh yes! I'm Riley, I'll take you. It's really nice to meet you."

"You too!" Lilah smiled.

The pair walked to a elevator, which was luckily already there.

"So which game are you going to play? If you don't mind me asking." The blonde asked smiling.

"I think we are doing seventeen questions, not sure." She laughed.

Riley nodded.

The elevator came to a stop and it's doors opened, revealing a hallway with lots of doors.

They got out and walked to the third door.

"Here, go in, they should be waiting for you."

"Great, thank you so much."

"No problem."

They smiled at each other and the YouTuber went into the studio. There was a purple wall with a chair and behind that lots of cameras.

As soon as she walked in a man around forty came up to her.

"Oh there you are! Welcome to Seventeen. You're going to be playing seventeen questions. We will talk about your music, love life and more. You ready to start?" He talked very fast.

"Oh yeah of course."

"Great just come with me and we will get started."

He walked her to the chair and she sat down. A woman came up to her and started to put a powder on her face.

"It's just for you to not come off shiny on camera." She explained and Delilah nodded.

As soon as she was finished the man came back.

"Do you need anything?"

"No I'm okay."

"Great, in that case we'll start."

He gave her indications of what she had to do and they started the cameras.

Hii! I'm Delilah Brooks and I'm here at Seventeen about to answer seventeen questions.


Before we start make sure to subscribe to Seventeen's YouTube Channel.

Question 1: who is your dream music collaboration?

Umm probably Conan Gray, all of the One Direction members and Beyonce, one can only dream. I love their music. But there are so many more.

Question 2: have you ever been in love?

Agh I hate this question *laughs* but uhm... I think so, yeah. *awkward smile*.

Question 3: Is there music on the way?

Yes actually. I have my first song coming out very soon and it's called Shout Out To My Ex. Just finished recording a few weeks ago. Heard it here first guys!!

Question 4: who is your TikTok crush?

Uh, I don't even have TikTok. *laughs* Weird I know, since I used to date a TikTok boy... but uh Niall Horan has TikTok so Niall, I know that doesn't count but whatever.

Time skip to after finishing the questions bc I'm lazy


I went back to my apartment. Can't wait for the video to come out and for people to make everything I said about Bryce.

I get out of my car and shut the door. I go to the elevator and press the button. It came quickly and I pressed my floor, four.

The doors opened and I walked out of the elevator. I approached my door and put my finger on the thing that recognizes my fingerprint and lets me in.

I got in and my dog came running up to me. I petted him a little and checked my mail, nothing important.

My place is not that big, considering I had to find one quickly as soon as Bryce and I broke up, since I lived with him at the Sway House with his friends.

I like his friends. They used check up on me all the time, they knew that Bryce didn't treat me right and they felt sorry for me.

The week we broke up all of them texted me asking me how I was and if I needed anything, my favorite is Josh, he is the sweetest ever, only problem is his girlfriend, Nessa, we used to be cool, until she thought that I wanted to steal Josh from her. She was very paranoid, but naive me thought we were friends. Imagine my surprise when she unfollowed me as soon as Bryce and I broke up, breakups do really bring out everyone's true colors.
I think I saw something about Josh and her breaking up recently, I should check up on him if that's true.

I checked TikTok room, which I don't follow but I know that's where Josh gets all of the information for TeaTok, and they did, in fact, break up. So I texted Josh.


Hey Josh! I just found out you
and Nessa broke up. I'm so sorry!
Text me if you need anything.

I texted him that and started getting ready since I was going out with Dixie tonight, the only person from that group of people I still talk with, well when I go over to her house I also talk to Charli, she's really sweet and genuine.

FINALLY the first
chapter is up and idk
how I feel abt it but
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