5K 337 31

Mrs. Lana walks into Jungkook's 7th period after the bell rings. She waits for him to pack up and walk towards the door. "Excuse me, are you Jungkook?"

He nods.

"Hi, I'm Mrs. Lana, the drama club director. Are you busy after school today?"

Jungkook pauses and shakes his head.

"Are you willing to come to drama club practice today? It's really important."

Jungkook narrows his eyes. "Why?"

"I talked to Jimin this morning and he told me everything that Julia and the other kids were saying to you and I want them to apologize to you."

Jungkook chuckles. "Sure."

They start walking to the theater. "Jimin said you didn't forgive him."


"I'm not trying to convince you to forgive him or anything, but I can tell when he's being insincere and he's genuinely upset that he hurt you. I just thought you'd want to know that."

Jungkook grins. "Is he back in the play?"

"I offered it to him but he didn't want to. He thinks it would make it look like he didn't mean what he said, but he mainly said no because he didn't want you to be more upset with him."


Jimin sits at the edge of the stage with Hoseok next to him. "Do you think they're going to apologize?"

Jimin shrugs. "Theater kids are stubborn, so I'm not sure."

The door opens and Mrs. Lana walks in with Jungkook. All activity stops immediately.

"Everyone, come to the stage!"

Jungkook watches as a few people walk out from backrooms and hallways. He scans the room and sees Jimin sitting in the corner, staring at him. He looks away when they make eye contact.

Mrs. Lana walks down the center aisle. "I'm assuming most of you know who this is."
She motions to Jungkook and a few of the kids whisper to one another.

"I was recently informed that some of you have been saying horrible things to him either behind his back or to his face. If you're one of those people, please step forward."

Jungkook watches as all of the kids from his Econ class step forward but he notices that Julia doesn't. Mrs. Lana waits for a few seconds and sighs. "Julia, I'll be emailing your parents tonight. To the ones that admitted to their mistakes, thank you for your honesty."

She turns to Jungkook. "I'm letting you decide whether or not they get to perform on Saturday."

Jungkook looks at them. "They can all perform, but Julia shouldn't be allowed to perform in the Spring musical."

She nods. "Are you sure you're okay with all of them performing?"

He nods. "Only if Jimin performs too. The play wouldn't make sense without juror #8."

She smiles and looks at Jimin who's eyes are big and who's mouth is wide open. Everyone looks at him, waiting for his answer.

He nods softly and everyone let's out a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Lana dismisses everyone but Julia and the  kids that admitted to bullying him. She makes all of them apologize individually. Jimin walks up after the last one apologizes.

"I know I've apologized to you already, but I'm still really sorry... Are you sure you want me to do the play?"

Jungkook nods. "By the way, when I said you weren't a good actor, I was lying."

Jimin doesn't smile or laugh. He just looks down at the ground. Mrs. Lana walks away so they can talk alone.

"I can't believe you said Julia could perform."

"The play is in 4 days. I don't want you guys to perform without one of the main characters. Do you need your script back?"

Jimin shakes his head. "I can borrow Hoseok's if I need to, but I know my lines."


They stand in silence for a few seconds. Jimin clears his throat. "Is it too much to ask for a hug? I understand if it is..."

Jungkook shakes his head and Jimin grins, wrapping his arms around Jungkook tightly. "Thank you for being okay with me performing."

"Mrs. Lana told me that she could tell you're really upset."

"I am... I promise I'm not like this all the time. I don't know how I managed to hurt your feelings twice in under 3 weeks."

Jungkook pulls away from the hug. "And I can't believe I'm forgiving you for both times."

Jimin smile drops. "Wait... You're forgiving me?"

Jungkook nods. "I'm not sure if I want to be friends, though. That might take a while."

Jimin smiles and nods. "Forgiveness is more than I could ever ask for. Do... Do you want your ticket back? I still have it."

"Maybe not..."

Jimin nods. "That's fine. I'll see you in class tomorrow." He smiles one last time before walking back to where Hoseok is sitting.



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