Ch.3: Why her?

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Song: Who Is She? - I Monster.

As Shawn enters the building where he works, he sees the whiteboard filled with clues that could guide to The Taxidermist and in front of it there was the team that Shawn is currently working with to catch the psychopath.

Adding more hints on the whiteboard there was André Williams, a tall, dark skinned man with green eyes and curly, short, dark hair. André tends to get partnered up with Shawn, they have been friends since the first case, André was the best at hand to hand combat and a good shooter. By the desk there was Altagracia Gonzalez, a short, honey skinned woman with light brown eyes and brown hair, she was the best with technology and the fastest one. She hated everyone… everyone but Shawn. Their lieutenant wasn’t there, probably she was talking with the captain or buying more coffee at the café across the street.

“I’m back” Shawn says as the others detectives look at him.

André turns around to see Shawn walking towards them “Dude!” André approaches him with a smile to give him a little hug patting his back “Did you take the break that you needed?”

“Of course he did, idiot, otherwise he wouldn’t be here” Altagracia gets closer to Shawn grabbing his shoulders “It’s good to see you in better condition” she smiles gently at him.

“It wasn’t really serious” Shawn shrugs “What have you found while I was gone?”

Altagracia speaks up “Oh, well. We got a call about an abandoned car in Route 48 about five minutes ago”

“The one that go across the woods?” he asks getting closer to the board.

“Yes” André stands next to him “The local officer is already there, we were waiting for you, dude. What took you so long?”

Altagracia gets in the middle “It was only five minutes, don’t be so exaggerated” she clears her throat “Besides, we don't have time to chat, we should be going”

“I agree” Shawn says without taking his eyes off the board.

André grabs his keys “Let’s go then”

After twenty minutes of driving, André parks at the side of the road and the group leave the car to walk towards the officers who were inspecting the abandoned car.

André breaks the silence “Found something interesting, officer?”

The officers turns to look at the detectives with their badges in each hand “Yes sir” the younger officer replied “We found a driver license” he hands Shawn the license “It says that it belongs to Roderick Walls”

Altagracia looks at the license “He was declared missing two days ago”

“Yes, ma’am” other officer says “The car was in in the bushes, I saw it and I thought that there were some punks hidin’ and smokin’ pot, but when I got closer, the car was abandoned so I decided to check it up and I found this license, so I decided to call you guys” the officer sighs “We haven’t found anything else yet, we also tried to contact his family but they don’t pick up the phone”

Shawn nods “I see. Have you check the area?”

“No, sir” the younger one replies.

“Alright then” Shawn looks at the little dash cam “Gonzalez, please check that little cam and the GPS, maybe that could tell us where Roderick Walls was before he went missing”

“On it” Altagracia grabs her phone and walks to the driver seat to grab the cam.

“Williams, let’s see if Roderick didn’t get lost in the woods” he turns to look at the officers “Try contacting the family again, and call a tow truck”

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