Ch.13: The killer.

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Song: Psycho Killer - Talking Heads.

It was 3 a.m. and (Y/n) was typing down on Shawn’s laptop as she had many books around her on the table, Shawn walks towards her and puts a cup of warm chocolate next to her.

“I think you studied enough”

“It’s never enough” she drinks from the cup “This isn’t coffee” she keeps drinking.

“Because you drank a dangerous amount of coffee on the past three hours. Come on, let’s go to sleep”

“Wait, no, I’m not finished” she finishes her drink and leaves the cup on the table.

“It’s not up to discussion” he closes the laptop “Let’s go” he lifts her and starts walking towards the room.

She groans “Two more hours”

“No” he sits her on the bed and takes her shoes off “Lay down” he starts taking his shirt off.

She yawns and lays down on the bed covering her body with the blanket, Shawn laid next to her and hugged her kissing her head.

She closes her eyes and lets him hugs her.

“Night, Shawn”

“Night, love”

However, almost an hour after, Shawn hears the faint sound of the door opening, he quickly sits up and looks at the sleeping woman beside him. With a frown, Shawn gets up and grabs his weapon.

Walking slowly to the door, he exits and sees the silhouette of a man.

“Stop right there” he points the gun at the shape in front of him.

The silhouette freezes on the spot.

“Put your hands up”

They do as Shawn says and turns to face him.

Shawn turns the light on and finally sees the man standing there.

“Mr. Hawking” he glares the man “Explain your reasons for breaking in”

“I knew something was happening between you two” the older man said “I have to come and see it for myself”

“And breaking in, on the middle of the night, was your best option to find out?”

“I’m trying to figure it out what happened to my son, since you are too busy sleeping with his soon-to-be wife” he puts his hands down “What assures me that you two aren’t the responsible of my son’s disappearance?”

“What assures me that you didn’t came here to hurt my girlfriend?”

“She’s not—!” he takes a deep breath “Look, she’s being unfaithful to my son right now. What makes you think that she wouldn’t cheat on you later on life? Women like her aren’t worth the trouble”

“Shut up” he grips the gun on his hands.

“I’m just trying to avoid you the bother, I knew she was a pest when Bernard brought her to our house”

“She will never be bother”

“Just tell me what happened and I can help you… if she manipulated you to make my son disappear I can make a beneficial deal for you and put that bitch in jail”

Shawn looks at him for a second and sighs “…It’s not that easy” he puts the gun on the furniture next to him.

“Yes, it is. Look, just tell me everything and I can help you out”

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