Ch.4: Don't Pity Me.

8K 411 364

Song: Better Man - Pearl Jam.


After a long day with almost the whole department in the scene, some locals officers, medics and even the firefighters, they concluded that:

*First: Roderick Walls probably escaped from The Taxidermist, but they couldn’t interrogate him since he’s still recovering from the five-meters fall.

*Second: The victim in the bathtub was later identified as Freigga Woods, they assume that The Taxidermist was cleaning her for their next exposition since her body didn’t have any organs and also the clean table on the middle of the room. It seems that the maniac decided to leave the place as soon as they found out that Roderick broke out of the hut, leaving poor Freigga in the bathtub.

*Third: There were twelve different people in the twenty-two pictures, seven of them were people that went missing, which three of them were found stuffed in some public place and one of them was the old lady, Freigga Woods. The other three weren’t in the hut.

Now, the other six people are yet to identified, except of course (Y/n) (L/n) and Bernard Hawking, the detectives  wanted to call them and interrogate them. But due the time, they choose to do it the next day.

*Last thing last: They now know that just like this little hut, The Taxidermist might have multiple places where they treat their victims.

Shawn was parking his car, it was 3:47am Saturday and he wasn’t tired, however, he needed to check up on (Y/n), she was probably awake and if luck was on his side, she will be by the window again.

When he entered the elevator he silently prayed to encounter the young woman or even hear her voice and when he exited the elevator his prayers were heard… but not the way he expected.

“YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME” a male voice shouted.


Then a crashing sound is hear trough the halls followed with a whimper, so without a second thought, Shawn pushes with force the door and sees the scene in front of him.

The whole apartment was a mess, it was like if the couple were throwing things to each other non-stop, on one side of the place, there was Bernard, he was breathing heavily, scratching the back of his head with a fast pace, he had some little scratches in his face and his nose was bleeding. Now Shawn could easily see that his pupils were dilated, signaling that Bernard was on drugs.

Meanwhile on the other side of the building there was (Y/n) sitting against a corner, trembling slightly, she had a red mark on the side of her face and purple finger marks on her arms, like if someone had hold her tightly. Shawn noted that there was a broken lamp beside her and she had a cut on her leg with a long trail of blood.

Both of them turn to look at him with wide eyes until Bernard scoffs.

“Geez, if you wanted to come in you could’ve just knocked” he cleans the blood of his nose and grabs his jacket.

“What’s happening here?” he frowns at Bernard.

“Nothing serious pal, I was on my way to the bar” he passed next to Shawn only to have his shoulder tightly grabbed by the black haired man.

“What happened?” he asks again with a more serious tone.

The blonde man shivers at his voice and he swears that the look on his eyes, full with rage, were the same look that a predator would give to his prey before ripping their throat.

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