Ch.5: We were born sick.

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Song: Take me to Church - Hozier.

Hanging up his phone without second thought he starts driving his way towards the department while he tried so hard to keep his composure but he was slowly losing his mind, he didn’t want to believe what he heard but something in his mind is telling him that he heard right and that the reason why she didn’t answer her phone it was because she was being murderer by a psychopath. Or maybe she was kidnapped by some thugs and now they were abusing her, perhaps she fell from somewhere high and she is in deadly danger. Every thought was worse than the previous one.

Parking his car, he quickly leaves his seat, enters the building and goes in the elevator pressing the “6” button to go to his floor. Breathing heavily he notices that his jacket is wet, as well as his hair…

‘It’s raining’ he thought ‘How I didn’t even notice?’ when the elevator’s doors opens, he exits and goes to (Y/n)’s door knocking it multiple times “(Y/n), open the door, please” he waits for a second “(Y/n), I understand if you’re still upset but I need you to open the door for me… please” but nobody answered. So he decided to turn the door knob and for his good luck, it was open.

He enters the apartment and sees that it has been cleaned, like a fight didn’t happen hours ago. Shaking his head, he walks towards the shared room hoping to see her sleeping but there was no one, he rapidly left the apartment and sees how the elevator’s door closes in his face.

“Fucking hell” he mutters and decides to go down the stairs while thinking of the others places where (Y/n) might be. He still refuses to believe that she has gone missing, probably she was at the park, or at the ice cream shop, even when it’s freezing outside she always finds it a good time to get an ice cream. Perhaps she was at her college’s library or at her favorite café.

Exiting the building he checks his pockets to grab his keys only to notice that it must have fallen on his way here, with a grunt he walks back in, all the way up to the stairs, looking down in hopes to find his keys. When he walks in on his floor he freezes on his spot.

Standing in front of her door, there was (Y/n) (L/n) holding a plastic bag with one hand and the other one with a closed umbrella and Mango on her shoulder.

He didn’t know he was holding his breath until he started coughing. The woman turns around to face the ill-looking man.

“Jesus, Shawn” she approaches him “Are you okay? Did you run your way up here? Why are you all wet? Don’t you have an umbrella?”

Without a second thought he hugs her tightly hiding his face in the crook of her neck.

(Y/n) stood still for a second a little confused. Was he crying? Or the droplets of his hair were wetting her back? Is he agitated because he ran his way up or for something else? Why is he holding her like this? What did she miss?

“Shawn?” she gently pats his back.

“I-I heard that you—” before he finished speaking, his phone rings. Hesitantly, he breaks his hug and answers his call “Laws speaking” his voice sounded a little agitated.

“Finally!” Altagracia speaks through the other line “I’ve been calling you non-stop, where are you?”

“You said that (Y/n) (L/n) went missing”

(Y/n)’s eyes widens a bit at his statement and looks at Mango that was looking at her.

“No, I said that (S/n) (Similar name) (L/n) went missing, are you okay? Where are you?”

He facepalmed himself and drags his hand down his face “I’m with (Y/n) (L/n), I was about to interrogate her”

“Oh, right. André told me that she is your neighbor, it’s better if you warn her now. I already told our lieutenant about (S/n) (L/n), she said that she is on her way so… take it easy, okay?”

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